Obesity hurts more than the people with the extra weight.

Greg H.


Feds: Obesity Raising Airline Fuel Costs  
November 4, 2004 08:57 PM EST  

ATLANTA - Heavy suitcases aren't the only things weighing down airplanes and 
requiring them to burn more fuel, pushing up the cost of flights. A new 
government study reveals that airlines increasingly have to worry more about 
the weight of their passengers. 

America's growing waistlines are hurting the bottom lines of airline companies 
as the extra pounds on passengers are causing a drag on planes. Heavier fliers 
have created heftier fuel costs, according to the government study. 

Through the 1990s, the average weight of Americans increased by 10 pounds, 
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The extra weight 
caused airlines to spend $275 million to burn 350 million more gallons of fuel 
in 2000 just to carry the additional weight of Americans, the federal agency 
estimated in a recent issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 

"The obesity epidemic has unexpected consequences beyond direct health 
effects," said Dr. Deron Burton of the CDC. "Our goal was to highlight one area 
that had not been looked at before." 

The extra fuel burned also had an environmental impact, as an estimated 3.8 
million extra tons of carbon dioxide were released into the air, according to 
the study. 

The agency said its calculations are rough estimates, issued to highlight 
previously undocumented consequences of the ongoing obesity epidemic. 

The estimates were calculated by determining how much fuel the 10 extra pounds 
of weight per passenger represented in Department of Transportation airline 
statistics, Burton said. 

Obesity is a life-or-death struggle in the United States, the underlying cause 
of 400,000 deaths in 2000, a 33 percent jump from 1990. If current trends 
persist, it will become the nation's No. 1 cause of preventable death, the CDC 
said earlier this year. 

More than half - 56 percent - of U.S. adults were overweight or obese in the 
early 1990s, according to a CDC survey. That rose to 65 percent in a similar 
survey done from 1999 to 2002. 

Although the Air Transport Association of America has not yet validated the CDC 
data, spokesman Jack Evans said the health agency's appraisal "does not sound 
out of the realm of reality." 

With most airlines reporting losses blamed partly on record-high fuel costs, 
everything on an airplane is now a weighty issue. Airlines are doing everything 
they can to lighten the load on all aircraft, from wide-body jets to 

Bulky magazines have gone out the door. Metal forks and spoons have been 
replaced with plastic. Large carry-ons are being scrutinized and even heavy 
materials that used to make up airplane seats are being replaced with plastic 
and other lightweight materials. 

"We're dealing in a world of small numbers - even though it has a very 
incremental impact" to reduce a 60- to 120-ton aircraft's weight by bumping off 
a few magazines, Evans said. "When you consider airlines are flying millions of 
miles, it adds up over time." 

Although passenger bulk has been an issue in the past - Dallas-based Southwest 
Airlines requires large people to buy a second seat for passenger safety and 
comfort - Evans says it's not likely airlines will scrutinize how much 
passengers weigh in the future. Instead, they are trying to do a better job of 
estimating passenger weight in figuring out how much fuel they need for a 

Seattle-based Alaska Airlines now calculates the weight of children on flights, 
instead of using adult-weight formulas for all passengers, Evans said. 

"Just like we don't control the costs of our fuel, we don't control the weights 
of our passengers," he said. "Passengers gain weight, but airlines are the ones 
that go on a diet. It's part of the conundrum we face right now." 


On The Net: 

CDC info: http://www.cdc.gov 

November 4, 2004 08:57 PM EST  

ATLANTA - Heavy suitcases aren't the only things weighing down airplanes and 
requiring them to burn more fuel, pushing up the cost of flights. A new 
government study reveals that airlines increasingly have to worry more about 
the weight of their passengers. 

America's growing waistlines are hurting the bottom lines of airline companies 
as the extra pounds on passengers are causing a drag on planes. Heavier fliers 
have created heftier fuel costs, according to the government study. 

Through the 1990s, the average weight of Americans increased by 10 pounds, 
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The extra weight 
caused airlines to spend $275 million to burn 350 million more gallons of fuel 
in 2000 just to carry the additional weight of Americans, the federal agency 
estimated in a recent issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 

"The obesity epidemic has unexpected consequences beyond direct health 
effects," said Dr. Deron Burton of the CDC. "Our goal was to highlight one area 
that had not been looked at before." 

The extra fuel burned also had an environmental impact, as an estimated 3.8 
million extra tons of carbon dioxide were released into the air, according to 
the study. 

The agency said its calculations are rough estimates, issued to highlight 
previously undocumented consequences of the ongoing obesity epidemic. 

The estimates were calculated by determining how much fuel the 10 extra pounds 
of weight per passenger represented in Department of Transportation airline 
statistics, Burton said. 

Obesity is a life-or-death struggle in the United States, the underlying cause 
of 400,000 deaths in 2000, a 33 percent jump from 1990. If current trends 
persist, it will become the nation's No. 1 cause of preventable death, the CDC 
said earlier this year. 

More than half - 56 percent - of U.S. adults were overweight or obese in the 
early 1990s, according to a CDC survey. That rose to 65 percent in a similar 
survey done from 1999 to 2002. 

Although the Air Transport Association of America has not yet validated the CDC 
data, spokesman Jack Evans said the health agency's appraisal "does not sound 
out of the realm of reality." 

With most airlines reporting losses blamed partly on record-high fuel costs, 
everything on an airplane is now a weighty issue. Airlines are doing everything 
they can to lighten the load on all aircraft, from wide-body jets to 

Bulky magazines have gone out the door. Metal forks and spoons have been 
replaced with plastic. Large carry-ons are being scrutinized and even heavy 
materials that used to make up airplane seats are being replaced with plastic 
and other lightweight materials. 

"We're dealing in a world of small numbers - even though it has a very 
incremental impact" to reduce a 60- to 120-ton aircraft's weight by bumping off 
a few magazines, Evans said. "When you consider airlines are flying millions of 
miles, it adds up over time." 

Although passenger bulk has been an issue in the past - Dallas-based Southwest 
Airlines requires large people to buy a second seat for passenger safety and 
comfort - Evans says it's not likely airlines will scrutinize how much 
passengers weigh in the future. Instead, they are trying to do a better job of 
estimating passenger weight in figuring out how much fuel they need for a 

Seattle-based Alaska Airlines now calculates the weight of children on flights, 
instead of using adult-weight formulas for all passengers, Evans said. 

"Just like we don't control the costs of our fuel, we don't control the weights 
of our passengers," he said. "Passengers gain weight, but airlines are the ones 
that go on a diet. It's part of the conundrum we face right now." 


On The Net: 

CDC info: http://www.cdc.gov 
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