--- Mel Riser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I LOVE bananas...

Most of us do. That's the problem.
I find I have more faith in my intellectual decisions
if I examine my feelings and I am certain I am free of
wanting to believe. Very important knowing your heart.

There is a party game called "Balderdash" of which I
am undisputed champion in my circles. It was a sad
discovery when I found my ability to sound convincing
most definitely extends to myself. No one can BS me
like myself.

All the best

> seriously though I used to think exectly the same
> way as you.
> and it's your freewill choice to do that.
> It's your choice to do and be ANYTHING you want to
> do.
> I'm just GLAD you are in the cult of Permaculture
> and Renewable energy.
> So with all that I am going to try and bring the
> focus back to BioDiesel.
> mel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 12:00 AM
> Subject: Re: Bible, Koran & Torah Thumping,not to
> mention other general
> sheeple tricks was Re: [Biofuel] aboutGod
> > However before you reject it from a few sentences,
> read
> > some chapters and then if it still does not sit
> truthfully within
> > you reject the message
> Nah, nah, nah, nah....
> Why in the world would I want to subject myself to
> yet another evening of 
> doublespeak, long-winded sentences and enough
> switchbacks of convoluted 
> thought in every paragraph to turn anyone into
> butter? Forget running around 
> a mulberry bush.
> But if that's what keeps you from going postal, more
> "power" to you - 
> higher, lower or indifferent.
> My "truth" is that the last thing I (and probably
> almost the entire rest of 
> the world) need is another brain trust telling them
> what they need or should 
> want to think.
> As for motivation? Bringing "will to power?" What
> are we talking here? 
> Suzanne Summers, Thy Master and a metaphysical
> meditation between 
> repetitions with the temptation of a double-fudge
> brownie within arm's 
> reach?
> "Schisms and off shoots..." Yup. More stupid human
> tricks. Should have bet 
> money on that one.
> "The god that dwells within..." You must mean that
> one that nobody seems to 
> be able to offer any proof of other than goose
> pimples with the passing of 
> an occasional thought. Seems to make a whole lot
> more sense to enjoy the 
> experience for what it is rather than fouling it up
> and distorting it by 
> attempting to ascribe it to something deified which
> none of us know for sure 
> exists. On the other side of the coin is the
> foolishness of ascribing it to 
> the wonderfulness of self. All a bit of puffery
> that.
> Frankly Mel? If it's communion with this theoretical
> Dog.....,  I mean God 
> that I want, I think I'll conduct it via a slice of
> hot apple pie and a pint 
> of homemade ice cream, or whilst sticking my nose in
> a lilac bush and 
> marveling (or cursing) when it gets bit by what
> buzzes, or when bundled up 
> and watching Saturn rocket debris fall back to Earth
> on a moonless winter's 
> night............. certainly not crawling  up with
> yet another human 
> concocted script of what's supposed to be what and
> how it's all supposed to 
> be interpreted and coped with.
> Bananas. Pure, unadulterated bananas.
> Todd Swearingen
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Mel Riser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 11:08 PM
> Subject: RE: Bible, Koran & Torah Thumping,not to
> mention other general 
> sheeple tricks was Re: [Biofuel] aboutGod
> Like Gustl said... Whether you take it as literal
> truth, fiction or just a 
> nice book, the truths contained are real in as much
> as they MOTIVATE you to 
> bring will to power.
> It is not cult or ridden with church dogma... At
> least not yet.
> Yes there have been schisms and off shoots.
> The real appeal is does it work for YOU. If so then
> have some faith and 
> enjoy the sublime relationship with the god that
> dwells within.
> If not reject and seek your own truth.
> However before you reject it from a few sentences,
> read some chapters and 
> then if it still does not sit truthfully within you
> reject the message.
> I personally find it to be the most refreshing take
> on religion, man and our 
> situation of anything I have read on this planet in
> 45 years of time.
> Just as I like the Bahaii faith and have been
> studying that, the UB has 
> something for everyone.
> If you mind is big enough, tackle the first section
> and if YOU REALLY read 
> and UNDERSTAND it you have a greater mind than I. As
> the first section is 
> the deepest, most intense section on cosmic divinity
> and the nature of the 
> universe.
> Is it true?
> I dunno, is ANYTHING you read true? Especially a
> religious document? What 
> counts is does it give you will to power that leads
> to action.
> Of course a total rejection of all things religious
> based on "proof" can 
> never be proved.
> What came first? Chicken, egg or rooster?
> Man, god or the mind of god?
> mel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 5:35 PM
> Subject: Re: Bible, Koran & Torah Thumping,not to
> mention other general 
> sheeple tricks was Re: [Biofuel] aboutGod
> What? You offer up another textbook of human
> worksmanship as evidence of
> "the way, the truth and the lite (life or
> whatever)?"
> So when did this 10th planet hop onto the scene? Is
> it before or after
> Pluto? Looking from the front or the back?
> And by the way, which way is upside down in the
> cosmos?
> Frankly, about the only sane "religious revelation"
> there could possibly be
> is to acknowledge that all the human generated
> aspects of them (which is
> right at 100.000%) are absolutely nuts and lend to
> the inevitable
> destruction that they all rail against.
> Phooey on them all. A person can pretty well sit on
> the back porch anytime
> of day or night with a cup of tea and a like minded
> mate and figure what
> reality is and how nonsense threatens to destroy it
> all.
=== message truncated ===

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