Belief in a god of any king was there to hound the people into a belief that
if you are a bad person you will be punished. just like in the Holiwood
movies or the kindergarden stories told to ignorant children.

It is human nature to believe in "A HIGHER BEEN" because we all look for a
father or mother figure to cling to.

Unfortunately, some humans have exploited this nature and taken it into
profiting from some weaker, social dropouts and seriously demented beens,
who are gullable enough to believe in rubbish tossed in their direction.
Scraps from the table of the rich man i.e

The origin of mankind as a race on Earth has always been in question.
Mankind    does not fall into the other categories of other animals on
earth. We are called primates, but why are we 1 million time more dominant
in every field over our nearest "competitor". The answer stares us in the
face on a daily basis, but we refuse to accept it. Humans do not originate
from Earth. We are our own Martians. Laugh as you may, but look at the

Don't you think Earth is slowly replicating the conditions found on Mars?
CO2 levels unbearable, water evident, Temperatures unbearable extremes,
deforested, poles melted, and... and.... and...
Put any been on a virgin planet or island and they revert to cave man. Watch
the Survivor series on T.V. and you will see the logic. They are only there
for a few weeks and look what happened.

The Bible , Koran etc are nice story books to base an ideal on, but
remember.....a story book still.

Most of the Bible's stories are symbolic figures of speech and can not be
taken literally. People .....wake up and realise that the dark ages of magic
and trickery were left there and word games are not a modern fad.

Look after yourself and know the difference between right and wrong. Trust
no-one, for they will let you down. I have live on this policy for 40 years
and has worked for me so far. Live lif4e to the full, as long as it doesn't
hurt anyone in the process or deminish the gift of life to something cheap.

Perfection comes with practice , not create in a whole or hole.


-----Original Message-----
From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: Bible, Koran & Torah Thumping, not to mention other general
sheeple tricks was Re: [Biofuel] about God


> The "proof" of God's existence absolutely depends on how an individual 
> views the evidence.

So you're saying that if you saw someone walking on water tomorrow, he or 
she may not be God?

Okay. I'll buy that. But I'd sure like to know that trick. Think of all the 
money that would be saved on Goretex.

> What I view as evidence of God's creative power, another person may 
> readily accept as evidence for evolution.  In fact, both perspectives 
> require faith.

Homey don't buy that. Adapting, when given sufficient time, is a far sight 
easier than just "being, without beginning or end."

> To me, this is evidence of God's creative power.  It's likely that you 
> have a more mundane view, and that's ok.

You're correct. To me it's evidence that it existed. Not how it came to be.

> Several centuries ago, people were so convinced that a man rose from the 
> dead that they willingly subjected themselves to intense ridicule, 
> persecution, and even death.  They were eye witnesses to a horrible 
> execution, followed by an empty tomb.  Some of these same people watched 
> the same man turn water into wine.  Other people of the day rejected this 
> evidence.  No miracle can convince someone who simply doesn't want to 
> believe.

You make the presumption that this actually occurred. Yet all you have as 
substance is supposed manuscripts of supposed people, all pasted together in

a nice little novel that sells at bookstores world round for around $7.95 in


Might be that some very bizarre things transpired in their day. Might be 
that a sect of people desperately seeking something to cling to found just 
that. Who knows what possessed the writers of epistles and gospels? They 
certainly felt it worthwhile to burn a lot of midnight olive oil to get it 
all down. But then so did Edgar Allan Poe.

> Belief in creation depends on faith.  Here, we have no dispute.  I would 
> argue, however, that belief in a mechanistic explanation for the origin of

> life also depends on faith.

Ahhh, but I wasn't speaking of a mechanism that explained the origin of 
life, only a mechanism that explained how life continually evolves/devolves 
based on the demands placed upon it.

Who knows how "life" actually began. Certainly not you or I or anyone on 
this planet. Which rather brings the conversation full circle yet again.... 
Put two stickers on the biology books or take all stickers off?

If there is a god out there, no doubt he or she is perfectly capable of 
convincing me without so much as a nod of help from the frail human sector. 
All their involvment tends to do is shun people in the other direction.

Todd Swearingen

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "robert luis rabello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:46 PM
Subject: Re: Bible, Koran & Torah Thumping,not to mention other general 
sheeple tricks was Re: [Biofuel] about God

> Appal Energy wrote:
>> Robert,
>> I didn't say that any supposed diety should be subjected to any chemical
>> tests or an MRI to substantiate existance. All I said was that proof of 
>> existance should be offered. And after several hundred million years, one

>> would think that proof would be abundant.
> Perhaps I've communicated my thought poorly.  The "proof" of God's 
> existence absolutely depends on how an individual views the evidence. All 
> of us bring a set of assumptions into our examination of the world we 
> observe, as you rightly point out.  What I may cite as evidence, you may 
> dismiss by offering a different explanation.
> For example, I had a very hard time accepting the evidence for the 
> evolution of humans, when the divergence of the human "branch" from that 
> which later produced simian apes occurred only a few million years ago. 
> The number of changes necessary for the 2% difference between our genome 
> and that of chimpanzees to occur by the mechanism of mutagenesis in that 
> short time, staggers my imagination.  It would be like winning the lottery

> every day, for millions of years.  (This was a primal motivator in the 
> development of Christianity, in my case.)
> Other people, however, see no tension in this.  What I view as evidence of

> God's creative power, another person may readily accept as evidence for 
> evolution.  In fact, both perspectives require faith.
> You are reading words on a screen that bring understanding to your mind. 
> The fact that you can do this is a mystical capability, as the grapheme / 
> phoneme relationships we associate with words have no intrinsic meaning. 
> How did this ability develop?  No one has a satisfactory explanation.  It 
> may as well be a miracle, because the genome that enables your intellect 
> to comprehend my writing existed many thousands of years before you and I 
> had a need to engage in this conversation.
> To me, this is evidence of God's creative power.  It's likely that you 
> have a more mundane view, and that's ok.
> <snip>
>> I think George Burns walking through Times Square tomorrow at noon would 
>> be
>> sufficient proof. Turning lead into gold might take a close second. 
>> Walking
>> on water a reasonable third, levitating and tight aerial acrobatics on 
>> the
>> head of a pin a close runner-up.
>> You can't offer any proof of substance other than what you hope and what 
>> you believe. Nobody can.
> Several centuries ago, people were so convinced that a man rose from the 
> dead that they willingly subjected themselves to intense ridicule, 
> persecution, and even death.  They were eye witnesses to a horrible 
> execution, followed by an empty tomb.  Some of these same people watched 
> the same man turn water into wine.  Other people of the day rejected this 
> evidence.  No miracle can convince someone who simply doesn't want to 
> believe.
> As for substance and proof, people who know me have seen a profound change

> in my attitude and behavior.  Something has happened to me that I can't 
> effectively put into words, but the experience is meritorious as evidence 
> for me.  Until you have the same kind of epiphany, you simply can't know, 
> and it would be unreasonable for me to insist that you do.
>> Just don't take me on a whirlwind tour of the toolies and your 
>> beliefs/indoctrinations/hopes and expect me to lose sight of the original

>> premise. I'm happy for you. But none of that is sufficient evidence, much

>> less evidence at all.
> I wouldn't insult your intelligence that way, but I think we agree on your

> basic premise.  Belief in creation depends on faith.  Here, we have no 
> dispute.  I would argue, however, that belief in a mechanistic explanation

> for the origin of life also depends on faith.
>> The point is that if honesty and equity are supposed to be god-like 
>> attributes, then there should be either two stickers on each biology book

>> stating that they're both theories or no stickers at all. One would hope 
>> that those professing to follow in the mold of their creator would 
>> understand such a principle long before the unindoctrinated pagan.
> Indeed!
>> Unfortunaely, reality and what one would think all too frequently are at 
>> odds with each other.
> That is the nature of humanity, is it not?
> robert luis rabello
> "The Edge of Justice"
> Adventure for Your Mind
> Ranger Supercharger Project Page
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