Canada set to cut vehicle emissions by 25 percent
 Nov 19, 2004

 Two top Canadian ministers said on Wednesday that they had
 resolved to cut global-warming emissions of cars and trucks sold in
 Canada by 25 percent by the end of the decade.

 The commitment means that the auto industry faces steep cuts in
 greenhouse gases in Canada as well as in California and the
 Northeastern US, a geographic expanse that encompasses nearly
 one-third of the cars and trucks sold in North America.

 The Canadian ministers said they expected to conclude soon several
 years of negotiations with the auto industry over the government's 25
 percent emissions reduction goal, and they made clear in a joint
 interview Wednesday that they would not settle for a lower reduction

 "We're very clear where we want to go," said John Efford, Canada's
 natural resources minister. "We are not backing off from our position.
 Are we going to say 10 percent is OK? Fifteen percent? No.
 Twenty-five percent is our goal, and the auto industry clearly
 understands that."

 Stephane Dion, Canada's environment minister, said "the fact that
 California has moved, the fact that some northern states like Maine
 and New York are saying that they are considering to take the same
 regulations as California, if you add Canada to that, it's a third of the
 market. I don't see why North America can't be a leader instead of a

 Several Northeastern states follow California's air quality regulations,
 and in a meeting earlier this month representatives from those states
 indicated they were likely to follow California's new greenhouse gas
 regulation, adopted in September, which lays out a 30 percent
 emissions reduction by 2016.

 The California regulation still faces an almost certain legal challenge
 from the auto industry.

 Dion and Efford also met with Fran Pavley, the California
 assemblywoman who sponsored that state's greenhouse gas
 regulation. Pavley brought a letter from a top official in Governor
 Arnold Schwarzenegger's administration seeking to work
 cooperatively with Canada on the issue. 

 "We can drive the market forces," said Pavley. "We can leverage the
 market forces if California joins with some states in the United States
 and Canada, which will help encourage the automobile manufacturers."
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