recorded 130F on a sumer day, after 4 hours, inside those translucent jugs the oil comes in! This will accelerate and enhance the gravity settling of contaminants out of the oil (normally just done at room temperature in an undisturbed, unheated jug or drum)

Also, for prefiltering, if you settle the oil 2-3 weeks, undisturbed at room temperature, it will become very clean and most free water will settle out. I was once told by a person in the oil pressing industry that the new cold pressed oil (that emerges from the press like mud) will settle out to as low as 5 microns after several weeks of settling. There is a real difference between oil that has settled a few days, and that which has settled a few weeks! After a few days, now talking about WVO, you will see a lot of stuff has dropped out - but the oil may well remain cloudy. This may be mistaken for water (and some of it may be), but it is mostly very fine particles still in suspension (remember that you can only see particles down to about 50 microns with the naked eye!). Let it settle another week or two, and it will usually be totally clear!

My method is to do this right in the jugs, then insert our Wand (which has a cleanable 70 micron strainer, just to ensure that nothing large gets picked up) into the jug, a few inches off the bottom. Then into the tank it goes, and the Vormaxx onboard fuel processor does the rest. The prefilter stage on this heated filter is a centrifugal (vortex) action. Water and contaminants swirl to the outside, then hit a vortex breaker and drop out, where they can be drained off easily. At low flow rates, it would function as a traditional sediment bowl, at higher rates, the centrifugal action. Either works. Up to 97% of contaminants are removed this way *before* they reach the final filter. Then a Racor or Fleetguard, or Donaldson large capacity water separator type filter with the ability to remove both free and emulsified water is the final filter. The filter is heated by coolant, and the Racor has a Lexan bowl with a 12VDC heater option to provide further heat to the final filter if needed.

By going to this method a few years ago, the process of collecting and preparing WVO for use was greatly simplified and we have encountered no problems. Filter life is in the thousands of miles in most cases, with just the gravity-settled approach. I do have customers who use finer prefilters - anywhere from 10 down to 1 micron, and take it down very fine before it goes in the tank. They've done cross country trips, and gone for up to a year without a filter change on the Vormaxx, just cleaning out the prefilter regularly (once a week, say, or every time you check the engine oil, drain off 300ml or so into a Ziplock back and discard)

I and many others have found this to be effective, and much easier than the "Boil and Bag" routine of heating, boiling, cooling, filtering, etc, in the shop, and it uses less energy (well, less energy for the boiling, and less of my time and energy too!)


Edward Beggs B.E.S. M.Sc.
 Neoteric Biofuels Inc.

On Dec 3, 2004, at 3:40 AM, Legal Eagle wrote:

G'day Alex;

----- Original Message ----- From: "alex burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 4:27 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Pre heating with Solar heating ?


Has anyone used solar pre heating to raise the temp of the oil in any way ?

In california they have solar powered water heaters, so why not ?

(I may be waisting my time but i dont want to use only LPG gas to preheat my oil)

  I live in sunny Australia

You should no probs pre-heating with solar, thing is to devise a method.

  Any info or advice. I am very happy to listen to. if this is a silly
  concept please tell me Know.

Far from a "silly" concept, it is a good one, however the process may be time consuming unless you plan on setting up PV panels and using the electrical output to power an element of some kind, as in an immersion heater ect... I use an immersion heater and 115V electrical, but Oz is already hooked up to 240V continuous so use that or a solar variant of the same. Another potential method would be to pre-heat using the glycol by-product as many do, however they will be in a better position to give you the details and hazzards than I.

I must tell you i have only made one full scale batch of BD and i have so much to lern

The learning curve is half the fun, and very empowering, as you can see the progress you are making and it is something atainable. Anyone suffering from inaptitude should get into biodiesel production as therapy :-)

I have only just sold my old petrol (GAS) ute and yet
  to buy a Diesel. the exelent advice i have recived stopped me from
buying the only diesel that was in my price range. But in the new year
  i hope to be able to buy a diesel for now i just want to set up for
production of a average of 100Litres a week(thats more than i need but i want to provide it to friends as well and convert them)

Wisdom is the better part of valour, and from what I understand the Aussie government wants it's share of taxes on BD, so either look into that or be sure they are really friends, ha ! Here off-road fuel is not subject to fuel taxes, but it IS subject to sales tax, and the grey area is found in bartering; I give you this and you give me that in exchange...

  Regards Alex.B
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