Biofuel Readers (sorry - I replied to last email and
did not change the heading) 
Are they ways to influence U.S. local cities to adopt
alternative transporation and "smart growth"? 

Yes, via the General Plan.  In the United States
each city is required to adopt a General Plan. By
law, the General Plan should contain "elements". The
General Plan requires public participation and is an
avenue for you to influence public policy to include
biofuels and clean fuels via the "Circlation
Element"and the "Conservation Element", - cities may
not have the same elements. 

> For a general background on the General Plan, please
> refer to see below weblinks:
> "What is a general plan? General plans have many
> synonyms, among them comprehensive plan, development
> plan, land-use plan, master plan, and urban plan.
> Simply stated, a general plan is "the official
> statement of a municipal legislative body which sets
> forth its major policies concerning desirable future
> physical development..." (Kent, The Urban general
> plan, 1964). 

As further elaborated in Planning made easy (Toner,
et al., 1994), a general plan is: 
--A public guide to community decision making 
--An assessment of the community's needs 
--A statement of community values, goals,& objectives 
--A blueprint for the community's physical development
--A public document adopted by the government 
--Continuously updated as conditions change 

Note that California state law requires that each
city general plan contain the following seven (7)

> 1)circulation (transportation)!
> 2)conservation! 
> 3)housing 
> 4)land use 
> 5)noise 
> 6)open-space 
> 7)safety "

> Have a Prosperous New Year.
> Phillip Wolfe
> Certificate in Urban & Regional Planning
> BA-BioScience/Environment
> MBA-Planning
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