Source: BBC News
Last Updated: Monday, 24 January, 2005, 12:39 GMT 

'Land grab' fears for Jerusalem

Israel has reportedly begun seizing tracts of east
Jerusalem land owned 
by Palestinians in the West Bank under a law not used
for decades.

  The government is enforcing a law on absentee
landowners passed in 
1950, the Israeli daily Haaretz says.

  Israeli lawyers acting for owners described the
policy as a "land 

  Thousands of Palestinians who possess land in East
Jerusalem could 
lose ownership of their property.

  Some in Bethlehem and Beit Jalla lost rights to
their land in August 
after it was cut off by the West Bank barrier.

  The move seems likely to fuel tensions over East

  Israel has annexed all of the city and sees it as
its exclusive 
domain. Palestinians hope East Jerusalem will be the
capital of their 
future state. Under international law East Jerusalem
is seen as 
occupied territory.

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