It is not so much that Canadians are trying to not be Americans so much as it is a case of just being, without nationalistic afrontery. Canadian tradition is pretty deep rooted, and a big part of that is to live in peace and to embrace tolearnce. Of course this also has had it's moments of ignominy (disgraceful or dishonorable conduct, quality, or action), more so recently than before, or maybe it is that I have just recently been made aware of it ? In any case, when I lived in Australia I was not out of place, nor did I feel so. When I travelled the Pacifc Islands I did feel out of place, being amongst the very few white people there :-) however not uncomfortable with it, one adapts. While in South America I wasn't at a loss either, having already travelled quite a bit and having learned that my home country's traditions and quirks were not necessarily practiced elsewhere, one adapts. But what is it that makes a Canadian and American so different ? Could it be the accent, eh? <-Canucks will get that one. Recetly travel bureaus in the US were handing out guides on "How to speak Canadian" for people wishing to travel outside the US so that they could pass themselves off as Canadian. Pretty sad, eh?
Of course it would also take an entire course in etiquette as well.
Many Candians try to immitate American stuff, or I should say USED to. The primary reason for this is most likely that Canada has no strong cultural persona, not to say that there is not one present, it simply isn't worn on one's sleeve, jacket, car,tea cup (oops, coffee mug), at every and each opportunity where a display of national propriety isn't called for but is there nevertheless. Canadians are generally reserved and polite (generally) and the politicos have seen to it that Canada has it's own homebred dissention (DISAGREEMENT; especially : partisan and contentious quarreling) as anyone who has ever been in the country while a "seperatist" flare was fired into the air. It keeps things divided. Elsewhere it is something else, but there is always something, and where all else won't work there is always the old fallback - religion. Get inside each one of the main religious entities and set them aginst each other and even against factions of themselves. Divide and conquer. Sound a little too conspirational ? Step back from the tree and look at the mess the forest is in,Ha! Canadians are no more "trying" not be American than the Kiwis (New Zealanders) are "trying" not to be Australian. They are different, and it just is.

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