Thank you Keith  for bringing  here Sanjay  Suri report 

      Only  bringing all  the leader  from the  south and very less
developed  nation , the world can com togother as one.
By helping the  poor people   have Biofuel power  , the developed 
nation can  get back all the money  as money  removed by the  G7  are
always more  than they have invested in these countries.
             Let us  wish  the good  sense of  Britains  finance
ministers  have  impact  as  Britain has suported  when  USA has need
to  go for war  and now  let us see .In history  Britain has never 
lost  any battle.If this time Britain loss it position  in the coming 
meeting , then  surely it is  no more  a powerfull nation   , neither
with Europe  nor with  USA..  The  political  people need courage to
make  corect decisions  as  this can be realway to  one wirld
globalizations. The road map is  there to help the poor by rich , but
this also need will and wish    to make  poor people to have the power
 and freedom from  poverty

On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 03:47:54 +0900, Keith Addison
> Published on Friday, February 4, 2005 by the Inter Press Service
> 'Make Poverty History': People Power Gets to G7
> by Sanjay Suri
> LONDON - Nelson Mandela, 86, needed no support when he walked up to
> address thousands at Trafalgar Square in London Thursday. He had the
> support of a cheering crowd, and of one of the most powerful
> movements ever to gather against world poverty.
> Mandela spoke at Trafalgar Square -- London's traditional venue for
> people to make a political statement -- on the eve of the meeting
> Friday and Saturday of finance ministers from the G7 countries (the
> United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan). He
> was carrying a message for that meeting, and succeeded before it
> began.
> Steps to counter poverty are already set to dominate the G7 meeting.
> Traditionally G7 finance ministers are more given to talk of exchange
> rates and macro multinational issues.
> What Mandela says counts, and behind Mandela spoke about 220 British
> civil society groups who invited him to the Trafalgar Square rally.
> The British groups came together late last year in a campaign 'Make
> Poverty History'.
> ''Many of us realized that 2005 is going to be an important year to
> campaign against poverty,'' Lysbeth Holdoway from Oxfam who has been
> working with the Make Poverty History campaign told IPS Thursday.
> This year Britain has presidency of G8 (which includes also Russia)
> and will have presidency of the European Union (EU) in the second
> half of the year.
> ''So we have come together this year in UK and around the world to
> put pressure on governments to act,'' she said. The British movement
> is tied internationally into the Global Campaign for Action Against
> Poverty.
> Mandela was invited to Trafalgar Square ''because he is such an
> important leader, and we know that if he came people would have to
> take action,'' Holdoway said.
> The immediate result was that civil society, backed by all major
> trade unions and the Church of England, has managed at least in
> substantial measure to set the agenda for a G7 finance ministers'
> meeting.
> ''As you know, I recently formally announced my retirement from
> public life and should really not be here,'' Mandela said. ''However,
> as long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our
> world, none of us can truly rest.''
> Mandela linked the new civil society campaign with his own campaign
> against apartheid. ''The Global Campaign for Action Against Poverty
> can take its place as a public movement alongside the movement to
> abolish slavery and the international solidarity against apartheid,''
> he said.
> Mandela told the wildly cheering crowd: ''I can never thank the
> people of Britain enough for their support through those days of the
> struggle against apartheid. . . . Through your will and passion, you
> assisted in consigning that evil system forever to history. But in
> this new century, millions of people in the world's poorest countries
> remain imprisoned, enslaved, and in chains. They are trapped in the
> prison of poverty. It is time to set them free.''
> There was more than emotion to Mandela's appeal. ''The steps that are
> needed from the developed nations are clear,'' he said. ''The first
> is ensuring trade justice. The second is an end to the debt crisis
> for the poorest countries. The third is to deliver much more aid and
> make sure it is of the highest quality.''
> Mandela said finally: ''I say to all those (G7) leaders: do not look
> the other way; do not hesitate. Recognize that the world is hungry
> for action, not words. Act with courage and vision.'' Mandela was due
> to take his message directly to the ministers at a meeting with them
> Friday.
> The task will not be easy, Mandela said. ''But not to do this would
> be a crime against humanity, against which I ask all humanity now to
> rise up.''
> The Mandela-civil society cocktail was made considerably stronger
> with support from Britain's chancellor of the exchequer (finance
> minister) Gordon Brown. Brown wants the ministers to extend a freeze
> on debt repayment by the tsunami-hit countries, and to take decisions
> to write off the debt of the poorest nations.
> At the least Brown wants about 40 billion dollars owed by the poorest
> countries, most of them in Africa, to be completely written off. He
> is also looking for radical decisions on more fair trade rules and
> for a doubling of developmental aid.
> Members of the Make Poverty History campaign point out that 2.8
> billion people around the world live in poverty, and that 30,000 die
> from poverty- related causes every day.
> Britain last hosted the G8 meeting in Birmingham in 1998. An
> estimated 70,000 people came together then to form a human chain
> around the city center to demand cancellation of unpayable debt.
> This time the civil society groups who brought those people together
> are a stronger force -- with stronger allies.
> © Copyright 2005 IPS - Inter Press Service
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