Phil and Keith,

>Dear Keith - Excellent article and have not posted
>awhile because of my new job.   I will read and
>re-read this article.   I hope our lawmakers take time
>to really study the issues. I studied Plants and Plant
>Genetics and Plant Taxonomy (Dendrology) as
>undergraduate. The issue of seeds and hybrid vigor was
>a great discussion in the early days (1970s). Things
>have changes so much since that time.

My very pesimistic outlook on legislation like this is that the legislators are 
in the pockets of industry which seeks to patent and license just about 
everything.  This is very evident in the field of computers and software.

Putting this together with GM research (not the least of which is the 
"Terminator") it follows that industry seeks to control every facit of every 
industry.  Its the ultimate form of capitalism and extortion (synonyms?).


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