On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 09:51:35 -0800 "Scott McFarland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sorry to call for offline,  I figured these were such a common 
> question the
> list would be bored.  Makes sense to contribute to list, at worst, 
> it might........
        I'm not in your area and can't be of much help as I'm in about
the same boat. I would suggest you try a few test batches before you
start spending bucks. I've gone through about 15 liters of very dark wvo
and have about 1 liter of what i think is useable fuel . Have about $60
invested so not very profitable yet. One of the problems I see is
separating the oil from the glycerine in a cone bottom processor. If you
tap it out the bottom won't the oil go down the middle and mix with the
        I bought menthanol in a 5 gallon pail for $16 from a local oil
company. I think it is also available in 55 gallon barrels and also in
bulk in your container.They sell it to industrial users to keep air
compressors from freezing and I think rental companies use it in their
portable toilets for the same reason.You can tell I'm in the North.
        I find the process more of a problem than building the equipment
since I'm color blind so titration is difficult and my PH meter doesn't
seem to make any sense at all.So I've been running alot of small batches
but the results don't seem to repeat so haven't learned much from that
either . I've got about 19 liters of wvo left so will keep trying. 
        Good luck in your efforts, 
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