Not everyone can stay healthy on a vegan diet. Many of us get very sick when we cut out all meat. Just eating dairy and eggs is not enough. Besides, I do need the manure from my animals to fix my burnt out land. If you read through the small farms section of JTF, you will find all kinds of information about this. The only cure I have found for cotton rot in the land is blood and offal. When I asked Texas A&M how to cure cotton rot, they told me it could not be done. Well I did it.

There are many reasons as to why to eat meat. Good 100% grass fed beef and lamb has Omega 3s and lots of CLA that keeps you healthy. It also does not have the mercury that fish has these days. I know that some people can stay healthy as vegetarians, but not many. I know I read a study, I can't remember where that vegetarians have shorter life spans, on average.

At 07:55 PM 3/9/2005, you wrote:

I hear you -- my sister's a vegan, but she eats her own eggs (ie, her
CHICKENs' eggs :-)) because she knows they're well-treated. Far be it
for me to preach vegetarianism -- that would be extremely hypocritical.
But it's an issue I'm addressing now. Why eat "lower" lifeforms at all?
Dirt would be best, plants next, animals last if ever.....


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