In urban conditions I obviously dont have too much access to dung. But
what i do have access to is an university canteen. Lots of food wasted
there. Has anydbody porducede methane form food scraps? I could collect
from there. And put in to the digester. Has anybody done this?
How should i porceed? Get the scrap food, mush it up with a little with
water. Add a little dung, humand dung, after allthe food was prepared for
humans. And then wait? Iexpect it hould get good yields since it has a
laot of protein in it.

I read the article on beates chicken car but what i dont understand about
it was how did he sotre the methane in his car. Obviously it was in
constant production mode. So he either had a very strong digester where
the pressure would buildup or he had a very large digester or gas

Another option is that he did very short trips.

I have experience in binding plastic sheets with a special welding
machine. The first thing that came in to my mind whe i read about
digesters was to make one very long and flexible one like intestines. That
way I could control the folw manually by pushing if necessary.

The problem im thinkin of at the moment is storing the gas in the car.
Does anybody know to which pressure i can inflate the inner tire of a
lorry? I think that it should have atleast 100L of volume, and with
pressure i would expand a little but if it can hold pressures up to 6-7
atm (with its volume expanding to 300L or so) then it would be just enough
for a round trip to work and back.

I calculated that the equivalent of one gallon of gasoline is 7,8m3 of
A 15L diving bottle compressed at 100 bars could only hold 1500L = 1.5 m3 
so i would need like 4, and that would start ghettin expensive because of
the necessary regulators. And most importantly i dont have a compressor
that can compress to 100 bars. And putting fridge compressors would work
but that mabn become risky at such high pressures.

With the tire i could have the same amount in a single container without
the need for regualtors. I could use several tires(one in the back seat
etc) to expand the range... this seems like the only feasible solution at
the moment.

Thanks Teoman

>  Helo Teoman
>     Surley all soilid wastes can be sucessfully  transformed in
> biomethane.Very good methods from  Bates  chicken car experiences
> avalible can be used for  any solid wastes
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Also  french Biomass King  work  is also more relevant for you.
>   We are  involved in the  new process developments  to  do acelerated
> aerbic composting via  biomass seperation  and recycling . Yet this is
> in experimental stage  to reduce the composting time from months into
> 10 days and  inolve  mixed bacterial and fungi biological catalysts
>   Thus you need to combine  two process as per the method of Bate:
> first the making waste solid residues  into   parcial composting ,
> then  uso this compostied material with animal wastes in anerabic
> biodigesters..Thus your  can be  run the  car  using   this  compresed
> biogas .
>   We are also considering the use of  hydrated  fuel ethanol and
> gasoline  to use  together with biogas  due to  its higher Co2 , thus
> making higher fuel efficiency  internal combustiom motor more
> efficient and  fexivel and competitive.
>   You need also  some filters (ironsponge)  to remove the hydrogen sulfide
> .
>    The  whole process need some  habilitation  from engineerig side .
> Thus your project on the  waste into fuel has good green future .Go
> ahead you can wn l all  the problems with  our biofuel group members
> help but also good to have some engineering person involved.
> sd
> Pannirselvam
> Brasill
> sd
> Pannirslvam
> On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 12:48:33 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Does anyone produce methane in urban conditions?
>> Can i produce enough methane to run my car? How large a processor would
>> i
>> need and what could i feed it with? Old newspapers and food scraps and
>> grass once in a while from the appartments garden...
>> For the car im thinking of large tank that i will use 2 or three fridge
>> compressors in series to compress the gas to about 40 atm.
>> Thanks
>> Teoman
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