Likely more than you want to know here:

To make your own, start here.

(Thank you Keith and Midori.)

From:                   "WM LUKE MATHISEN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Mon, 28 Mar 2005 12:39:14 -0700
Subject:                [Biofuel] Set up help
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> Hello out there in biofuel land!
> I live in Montana near Missoula, off the grid, our primary energy source is 
> solar
> and our backup is a recently acquired diesel generator, to be precise a 7500 
> watt
> Lister Petter, prior to that we used a converted propane generator.  We are 
> very
> happy with the switch to diesel (it reduced our fuel costs by 2/3rds).  Every 
> week I
> go into Missoula (I am an accountant) and work at a restaurant.  The 
> restaurant pays
> $25 per month to get rid of their used waste oil.  I could very easily pick 
> up waste
> oil from that restaurant (and other restaurants) and bring it back to make 
> biodiesel
> for my generator.  My concerns are fuel quality so I don't end up damaging my
> generator and attracting bears (we had 2 house break-ins last fall).  I am 
> looking
> at producing 50-100 gals per month in the winter (sometimes we will go two 
> weeks or
> more with no direct sunlight, or "no solar-days" as I call them) and half 
> that in
> the summer.  What will my startup costs be?  How much space will I need, for
> production and storage? How much t
> I am currently in the process of planning a enclosure for the generator and it
> seemed to make since to include space for making and storing the biodisel.
> Can someone point me in the right direction?
> Luke

Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?    

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