Well I thought I'd do a little research as the National Press Club,
   which does host very distinguished invited speakers very frequently,
   and is an organization that I hold in fairly high esteem.  It turns
   out that the National Press Club does not list any event including any
   Joseph Newman so while he may be hosting his "News Conference" at the
   NPC he is not speaking to the NPC a big difference.  So unless there's
   been some mistake on the press clubs event listing it looks like a
   manufactured grab for legitimacy.
   Keith Addison wrote:

     Hi Bob
     It's a hardy perennial - it last came up two years ago, with much
     amusement over such things as the magical gas pump that never runs
     out, the wonders of poteen, green cheese, and pickled leprechauns
     (hence their scarcity), along with an expert opinion that
     heavier-than-air machines do indeed not fly. I think your advice on
     wallets might be apt. Whatever happened to Dennis Lee?

     No disrespect Scott, but you must also be new to thermodynamics.
     Newman's BS has been around for years, but that's all it is. What
     is it about magnets that so mystify people?

     Hmm... another hardy perennial... I do hope we aren't going to have
     magnets strapped to our fuel lines again. That makes for serious
     flame wars, judging from past experience. I think I banned them at
     one stage, didn't I? By popular demand.

     From His webpage:
     "In other words, the revolutionary nature of this system is the
     fact that Joseph Newman has discovered a new electromagnetic
     principle of nature and has innovated a technology capable of
     converting mass (copper coil) into energy (in accordance with
     E=mc^2) via a highly efficient electromagnetic reaction rather than
     an inefficient fission reaction."
     Hold on to you wallet if he is around.
     Scott wrote:

     Oh, I almost forgot.  For those interested in other forms of
     alternate energy, there will be a press conference at the National
     Press Club next Monday afternoon.
     Joseph Newman will explain and demonstrates his newest energy
     machine prototype
     1pm Monday, March 28, 2005 - Energy News Conference
     - DC National Press Club -
     Newman Energy Machine News Conference
     Joseph Newman will display/demonstrate his newest energy machine
     that is a quantum leap above his earlier energy machine technology.
     As the price of oil escalates, Joseph Newman's energy machine is an
     inexpensive, non-polluting electromagnetic source for the world's
     energy needs.
     This technology provides access to virtually unlimited energy that
     is abundant, inexpensive, and environmentally-friendly.
     The Newman energy machine is an electromagnetic motor that runs
     COOL (unlike ALL conventional motors) and harnesses the elemental
     forces of the universe in accordance with the 1st Law of
     The Newman energy machine will provide a stable and durable
     alternative to oil, gas, coal, and nuclear energy sources.
     This technology will power every automobile, home, appliance, farm,
     factory, ship, and plane at a FRACTION of the present cost of
     A worldwide inexpensive energy source will have profound
     geopolitical implications for the Middle East.


   Kenneth Kron
   President Bay Area Biofuel
   Phone: 415-867-8067
   What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it!
   Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
   [4]Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.


   1. http://www.josephnewman.com/
   2. http://www.bayareabiofuel.com/
   3. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faust
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