Hi everyone,
I Chair the New Haven, CT section of the American Society of Mechanical 
Engineers and set up a Yahoo! Group to promote discussion on various technical 
I posted the Rolling Stone article from Kieth (I think it was you Kieth) to see 
the reaction and wanted to say that this is the dialog I've been getting 
involved in regularly among people less active in the cause.
My reason for posting this is to find out how some of you might respond in a 
similar discussion and if you have any comments about any of my responses.
By the way, the resources I mention below were cut-off. But they came from the 
Biofuel group anyway. So, you should already be aware of them. 
Mike R
Posted on NHASME04 today:
Hi Tracy,
Well, I think we've agreed on most of what had been said in this thread so far. 
The rest I think we can agree to disagree.
"We may be running out of oil.  However, I think drilling in Alaska is more 
about laziness, politics and some guy who has political connections for it to 
get this far."
In my opinion, a lazy person who wants oil would stay in Texas and just punch 
another hole next to the one they already have. As for Politics and political 
connections, I'm right behind you on that one.
"The reason why we don't have more wind power is political
not technical or environmental or financial."


These issues are not mutually exclusive. Some emerging energy technologies are 
not competitive (or profitable) compared with fossil fuels today, so private 
industry in the US has kept their distance. The public in the US has not 
adopted an environmentally conscious position like other industrialized 
countries in Europe (the US is only 4% of the worlds population but, uses 25% 
of the worlds energy). So, there is comparatively less political motivation to 
subsidize the development of these emerging technologies. I feel that this 
cycle will continue until other countries that are more progressive than ours, 
make advancements that make alternative energy technologies like PV cost 
effective and the US, in its nearsighted business vision, decides to play 

I have no doubt that if there is no change in this trend, the US will lag 
behind in these technologies and other countries will offer superior products. 
This is assuming that our government doesn't make a unilateral decision to 
exploit foreign intellectual property and ignore international law (wouldn't 
that be a shocker).


"Tracy J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We may be running out of oil.  However, I think drilling in Alaska is more
about laziness, politics and some guy who has political connections for it
to get this far.  The reason why we don't have more wind power is political
not technical or environmental or financial.  The political guys put up the
money.  If the political guys didn't want to go to the moon for any reason,
the money never would have been there to do it.  It would be nice if
diagonstic research was done on the subject that is trustworthy but there is
alot of money to be made if there is a shortage.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Redler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [nhasme04] The Long Emergency

> Hi Tracy,
> I think that your ideas about conservation and more sophisticated controls
for home appliances are good ones. Your comment about price manipulation has
merit as well. However, I think it's dangerous for people to believe that
there is plenty of oil and that it simply isn't being tapped. The fact that
we are going back into Alaska and exploring other regions for oil sends a
message about availability. In fact, there have been numerous studies to
support the argument that sustainability ended in the late eighties. Up
until that time the world's oil producers were able to replace every spent
well with a new one.
> Here are some resources that support the argument that scientists and
government agencies around the world clearly recognize the coming shortage
and eventually the end of oil as our main source of energy in the world.

> ....Michael Redler

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