Hi All,

I think it is far worse than even you picture it. But damn it's Friday and I
will not go home today depressed. I'll write more when I'm more
energetically pissed off.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew & Tracey
Sent: 3/31/05 8:34 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] bush and money.

I might be mistaken and probably are but it appears to me that now mr
wolfowitz has his hands on a bottomless pit of money that he is going to
give his buddy " ALL THAT IT TAKES" to get rid of the baddies. When is
the next election in the U.S.? It seems that there will be just enough
time to duplicate the Iraq effort in Iran and N. Korea. Does anybody
else think this is a possibility? or am i just paranoid. One way to
achieve it would be to drive oil prices sky high so as to fill the
coffers of your mates oil company's,then they in turn could produce more
fuel reserves for just an action. But that couldn't be because that
would mean the bosses have an alternative agenda to what they are
telling all the gullible little people. The little back slapping bum
licking bloke from Aust might just wake up to how he has been used. Well
anyway i just thought i would air my paranoia. Keep your bomb shelters
in order guys, cheers.  Andrew.
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