Hi All,

Just a quick word of caution about backyard methanol.

There's no such thing, as yet. You can't make methanol in your backyard, as both Walt and I have just explained. You can distill ethanol, and it will have minute amounts of methanol in the first bit which you discard. But you can't make methanol in any usable amounts.

It definitely is not
ethanol. The direct meaning is it is a deadly toxin than can be readily
absorbed through the skin and inhaled into the lungs. I«m certain a very
small percentage of the population has a very small capacity to detoxify
this in their liver.

Everybody can, and it's not as deadly as you make out. In fact it's a common household item, sold in supermarkets and hardware stores, and other common household items are more dangerous than methanol. It's used as a dinner-table barbecue and fondue fuel, kids use it in their model aeroplane motors.

Yes, it's dangerous, but we deal with dangerous things all the time in our daily lives. I don't think methanol has held any perils for biodiesel makers since we left the dark old days of From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank behind, years ago. Use closed containers and closed processors as Journey to Forever and all other responsible websites advise, don't be sloppy or careless, follow the safety instructions, and it's an easily managed hazard. I'm not downplaying it, our website constantly emphasises safety, but a lot of people overplay the methanol "hazard", as you're doing.

The vast majority can«t tolerate it at all. In direct
laymans terms, first you go blind then you die usually of acidosis.

You have to drink at least a couple of tablespoonsful for that to happen. So what? Are you going to try that with paint remover, or drain cleaner, or cellulose thinners? Or gasoline? The fumes are dangerous, but it only fumes when it's hot, and that hazard is completely removed with closed containers and closed processors.

scary and painful to me. I«m trying desperately to use ethanol when I make
Bio D. I«ve had some success. But quite frankly I have never had a bad batch
when I used methanol. I«m fairly certain I know why but won«t mention it
here cause it«s probably in the archieves that Keith keeps pounding on me to
read. :-> Sorry but the letters are just too darn interesting for the

You're supposed to consult the archives BEFORE you post and ask questions, not as an ever-postponed afterthought. It's one of the List rules, which you were referred to when you joined the list, and which you're obliged to read, and to follow:

"If you don't see what you're interested in, just ask. Or check the archives first to see if it has been dealt with previously, and then ask."

"Please make use of the resources listed at the Biofuel list home page:

"Especially the searchable list archives:

"The archives contains more than 38,000 messages over nearly five years. The question you want to ask or the topic you're interested in has probably already been covered. That's no reason not to ask it again, but if you know what's gone before you'll ask a better question and get better answers."

Otherwise we just keep on rehashing the same old stuff again and again and again, and the sheer tedium of it drives people away after awhile - and these are the ones with the experience, so the whole community suffers.

I hope you've got that straight now.

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner

Tom Irwin

-----Original Message-----
From: Henri Naths
Sent: 1/04/05 15:08
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Methanol backyard manufacturing possible?

short answer yes. (methanol.. backyard) if money is no object.H.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Mountain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 31 March, 2005 6:20 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Methanol backyard manufacturing possible?

> As a newcomer to the biodiesel world I was wondering if it was
possible to
> make methanol in your "backyard" so to speak? And the other question
is it
> possible to make biodiesel with ethanol? I am putting together a
> for an East African country to follow Brazils lead and have to do some
> homework first.
> selam,
> tom mountain

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