Saddam Hussein as a WMD?
My perspective on this is that SH can be seen as a WMD. The problem is a lack 
of focus on the big picture (IMHO). If you want to discuss people as weapons, 
you must also have a way of gaging what they are destroying, how many of them 
exist in the world and where they show up in a list of priorities from those 
with the ability and inclination to do the greater good in the world.
What one does to address the problem of a "weapon" such as SH, says a lot about 
the vision of those trying to solve the problem and the war in Iraq is an 
excellent example. If there was a genuine motive to save lives by ending 
tyranny, the US threw out the baby with the bath water by resorting to war. It 
also causes many to ask if there were ulterior motives. This is especially true 
now that there is a growing buzz about the coming end of oil as our primary 
source of fuel. "Blood for oil" (IMO) is an accusation that will become less 
ambiguous with time. Keeping hidden agendas and going to war to satisfy them is 
a crime and insults the intelligence of conscientious citizens who see the 
lives lost and the lies told to cover it up. To "err on the side of life" is a 
phrase that I hope follows and haunts GWB for the rest of his life.
Both foreign and domestic policy in the US are geared toward the building of an 
empire. The biggest, long term problem facing the US is the fact that some US 
citizens don't believe that they are part of an empire and those that 
understand and see the empire, don't realize that it is in decline.
All empires rise and fall. 

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