subject. Dispensationalists are also easily identified by negatives - what you don't see them doing is talking a lot about such basic Christian tenets as "God is Love" for instance, or the Sermon on the Mount, let alone practising such things, quite the opposite.

This view is neither Christian, nor biblical. It's a perversion of the scriptures; writings which demand stewardship of creation.

It's anti-Christian, IMHO, little more than a demonic cult, at its worst. I'd take action against an attack on a genuine religion on the list, but I don't believe this is a religion, it's a perversion, as you say, and a highly lethal one.

Nice references too Robert, thanks.

I reffed these before:,3604,1195568,00.html
US Christian fundamentalists are driving Bush's Middle East policy Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power George Monbiot Tuesday April 20, 2004
Fundamentally Unsound
By Michelle Goldberg, Salon
August 2, 2002

Useful, I think.

(No, I'm not a Christian, though I was brought up as one. I don't have a religion, nor feel any need of one.)

What's all this got to do with BIOFUELS?!!! LOL!

Apart from what you say about the environment Robert (quite correct), would-be topic cops could try this:

Oil and Israel

(Which caused us a lot of trouble! - pretty much proving what Mr Dreyfuss says, as if it needed any proof.)

Best wishes


Rick Littrell wrote:

Dear Robert,

Thanks for your comments. They are vary helpful. I'm not sure I understand this "Neo Con Dispensationalist principle" but I also have to confess I don't understand the Neo Cons all that well.

Not all NeoCons are dispensationalists, nor are all dispensationalists NeoCons, and I certainly can't claim to understand either. (I find dispensationalism the most confusing eschatology ever devised by mankind!) There are enough people in powerful positions who use one perspective or the other to justify policies that amount to fascism, and by couching their rhetoric in pseudo-religious phrasing lead a great many sincere people astray. This is a complex issue, so by being brief, I will not do justice to the topic. It has, however, been discussed at length in this forum, and you can learn a lot by searching the archives.

You are likely aware that the United States is a very diverse nation, comprised of people from a wide range of political and religious persuasions; among these a large group of very zealous Christians constitutes a kind of critical, political mass. Many Christians believe that "worldly" society opposes their core belief structure, they feel "persecuted and oppressed" by "liberal" society, and further, that it is their "right" as Americans to demand political representation for their point of view. This has been exploited by some people in Christian leadership circles who seek to galvanize support for legislation that would return "morality" to American society. (Has American society EVER been "moral"?)

Because this group of Christian people is actually rather diverse, there are some "common denominator" issues that cut across many racial, ethnic and denominational barriers. I will explain these as best as I can. At its core, the most widespread Christian point of view sees the world as a hostile place, where strong moral leadership is necessary to guard against danger. Thus, a powerful "father figure" helps to focus support. (This explains the vehement opposition to Mr. Clinton we witnessed a few years ago.) In a world filled with evil, strength is necessary for protection; therefore, a large military budget and strict policing benefits society. Business exists in a competitive environment, so a legitimate role of the government is to protect American business interests from hostile actions by foreign companies and governments. These people see themselves as intrinsically "good" and moral. Their affluence is taken as an indicator that God is blessing their course of action. Anyone who lives beyond the bounds of their narrowly defined morality can be dismissed as worthy of nothing more than punishment. Therefore, these "moral" people want strict laws, long imprisonment for criminals, and think nothing of killing "godless" foreigners or ignoring the plight of the poor, a group of subhumans deserving of God's wrath for not following his edicts. (That must be, after all, why they're poor!) They see "liberal" people as weak, immoral and oblivious to the "truth" of their perspective.

A radical political movement has overtaken the Republican party, but interestingly, it started with disgruntled Democrats. (In the 1980s they were called "Reagan Democrats") The NeoCons (and their allies) see an opportunity for popular support among the above described "conservative" Christians (an utter oxymoron from a biblical perspective) to promote an agenda of American greatness and power. After Vietnam and Watergate, the American military and the Republican party were in disarray; providing perfect platforms from whence to project radicalism. Galvanizing the support of the Evangelical Christians I've outlined above by the clever manipulation of certain media outlets (it began with radio, moved to cable television and now has evolved into internet blogs), they are promoting their pro-business, pro-military and pro-empire agenda in the name of God and country. The NeoCons seek to use American economic and military power to quite literally dominate the world for the "good" of all people. The Christians who support them really believe that doing so will prepare the world for the parousia of Jesus Christ, but really, what they're prepare for is the coming of THE ANTICHRIST, as they refer to him.

This is where dispensationalism enters the picture. The eschatology is so confusing that only a "true believer" who is steeped in the doctrine can comprehend all of its nuance. It's been hammered from pulpits, in print and by TV preachers for so long, traditional Christian eschatology has been utterly eclipsed. Dispensationalism teaches that God's promises (particularly those relating to land of the "Fertile Crescent" in the Middle East) to Abraham's descendants must be literally fulfilled. (This conveniently excludes the descendants of Ishmael, Abraham's first born son, from whom the Arabs claim their lineage.) God supposedly divided his attention between the "Jewish dispensation" of the Old Testament, and the "Christian dispensation" of the New Testament, supported, in their view, by a few texts such as the famous prophecy:

"Behold, I will make a new covenant with my people. It will not be like the old covenant. . ."

Dispensationalism dissects a certain prophecy in the book of Daniel (its in chapter 9, if you're really interested), removes verse 27 from its contextual connection (these people really don't understand pronoun / antecedent relationships!) with the Messiah and instead, transports this section well into the future and inserts a seven year reign of THE ANTICHRIST (though the scriptures say there are many antichrists) into the prophecy. Then, in order to prevent God's people from living through the "seven last plagues", dispensationalism teaches that they will be secretly raptured up to heaven while the rest of the world suffers through the plagues. (The word "rapture" is not found in the scriptures, and the concept has to be twisted from the context of several verses in order to be supported.)

Many people believe this nonsense, and the impact it has on American policy is profound. Keep in mind that the political support for the NeoCons is largely derived from a group of people who insist that those promises to Abraham are literally fulfilled in the modern state of Israel. Hence, Israel becomes an instrument used by God to bring about the long anticipated battle of Armageddon. America's role as guardian and protector of Israel is seen as harmonizing with God's purpose, and any dissension from that view is interpreted as anti-American, immoral, and therefore worthy of dismissal or accusations of treason.

Do you think the is a political philosophy here or is it just another name for business interests who want no limits on their prerogatives and profits?

        The "other" name for this is Fascism.

Who would you suggest reading o understand them better?

        Do a Google search for "dominionism" and "dead constitution" too!

How much of what Bush does is connected with their philosophy?

        All of it is connected with their philosophy.

I guess the most important questions for me are how much of the administrations positions on environment are philosophical and how much pragmatic.

Why would anyone who believes that the world and its resources were created by God for his people to exploit give a rip about the environment? If you believe you're going to be raptured anyway, what's the big deal about environmental degradation? If your perspective insists that middle class, consumerist prosperity is an indication of God's blessing, then why on earth would you concern yourself with energy efficiency and resource depletion?

This view is neither Christian, nor biblical. It's a perversion of the scriptures; writings which demand stewardship of creation.

As several people have pointed out the collapse of cheap energy i.e., oil and gas will have the most profound effect on peace and war, economics, and even the nature of life itself in the very near future. The energy corporations seem to be looking at this from the standpoint of just maximizing profits with no attention to other consequences. Is this just shortsighted self interest or a political philosophy?

        It's both.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
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