Hi everybody, we have a question for all those technical and scientific members 
of this group and would love some feedback from those that understand this 
better than us. We have just read an article about rubber and are concerned 
enough to ask does anybody know much about it. The article suggests that (well 
it says) rubber is toxic. Is this correct? It doesn't mean the basic product 
but what tyre's are made of is a menagerie of toxic chemicals and that every 
day thousands of tons of it wash into our creek,river,ocean systems from tyre's 
being worn out on our roads.The effect of it will be with us for a long long 
time to come. There is no research into coral reefs falling apart from rubber 
that we can find ,but the article suggests it should be of concern to all of us 
still breathing whats left of our fresh air.It also goes on to say that bitumen 
is also toxic and that it grinds down slowly to do more enviromental damage. If 
this is true ,shit it is scary because every country in the world (just about) 
is doing the same thing. If you add all the rest of the eviromental bad things 
to this it's time to call for Scotty to beam us up, this planet is toxic.  
Andrew & Tracey.
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