> >This is just way to much to contemplate, first thing in the morning.
> >
> >I don't drink, but, this might drive me to it.
> >
> >Greg H.
> Um, yes, well, sorry. Try coffee (best to stir it anticlockwise).
> I think I was just cavilling at the prospect of having to debunk John
> Nicholson (biopower), not exactly difficult, but I'll probably break
> out in carbuncles or something. Won't someone else do it? Please?
> Best
> Keith
Yes, we wouldn't want to use a cup of tea.  Goodness know what sort of random
events that might generate.  Improbable I suppose.

That's why they used to use the entrails of a goat. They didn't even know which way was up in those days, they thought the thing was flat, which indeed it probably was, but they weren't dumb either, even they knew that reading tea leaves was fraught with peril because unless you were there at the time there was no way to tell whether the stirrer was a revisionist hegemonistic running-dog pinko neocon fundamentalist pro-clockwisist or not.

Well, have to go, sounds like Vogons at the door.

(apologies to Douglas Adams)

He was a nice man, he wouldn't have minded. It's a hopeful sign when they bother to come to the door first, isn't it?

Good luck!

No takers on John Nicholson? Come on guys, this is your last chance to win this coveted prize... Going, going... (I'm out of here!)


> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 05:29
> >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Which Oil is Best
> >
> >
> > > >Dear pros,
> > > >Latitudinal or longitudinally?
> > >
> > > Latitudinal, but much more important IMNSHO is that the traditional
> > > anticlockwisist approach be adopted. We do not want any of this
> > > revisionist hegemonistic running-dog pinko neocon fundamentalist
> > > pro-clockwisist nonsense here, thankyou. And I really hope we're not
> > > going to see any more crass attempts by Northist Confusionism
> > > elements to propose that from West to East is anticlockwise. A few
> > > nay-sayers and denialists aside (and we all know who pays their
> > > bills), all serious scientists concur that the North is not on top,
> > > the South is. That's why Australia is commonly referred to as
> > > "Up-over", and so on. And therefore, East to West is anticlockwise,
> > > and let's have no further argument about it, we of the Global South
> > > aren't dumb you know, we're alive to these sinister conspiracies, and
> > > *we* know that the centrifugal momentum of human-caused
> > > mass-pro-clockwisism is causing the world to spin faster, swelling
> > > the equatorial bulge, with really gross effects on the climate we all
> > > have to share, especially us.
> > >
> > > Longitudinality is at least spin-neutral, but it doesn't help either,
> > > longitudinal circumnavigators are just fence-sitters.
> > >
> > > Best wishes
> > >
> > > Keith
> > >
> > >
> > > >Chris K
> > > >Cayce, SC
> > > >
> > > >----- Original Message ----- From: "pros" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 11:34 AM
> > > >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Which Oil is Best
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >>Hello Chris and Frans and other listeners ,
> > > >>My question is a little bit different ;
> > > >>
> > > >>If you would make a trip around the world and seasons in each
> > > >>country ; what are the chances for the whole year available ' fresh
> > > >>' oils which countries should you go and which time of the year ( I
> > > >>assume always 'fresh' crop ) .Eg if you start in Europe - in June
> > > >>for rapeseed oil where would you go and when for palm oil  or is
> > > >>there a chance to get one kind of oil in different continents all
> > > >>time from fresh crop ?
> > > >>
> > > >>Julian , Poland
> > > >>
> > > >>>Hello Frans,
> > > >>>
> > > >>>Palm oil is great for biodiesel.  I guess it depends which 'we'
> > > >>>you are talking about.  The 'we' that are in Brazil and other
> > > >>>southern areas use palm oil; the 'we' that lives in US use soy oil
> > > >>>because that is what we grow here.  This time the 'we' is ADM I am
> > > >>>afraid.  In Europe, the 'we' have access to rapeseed, because that
> > > >>>is what is grown there.  The use of pronouns is so interesting in
> > > >>>an international list such as this one.  As always, the answer is
> > > >>>on a table on the JTF website.  Hope that helps.
> > > >>>
> > > >>>The esteemed Frans van Dortmont wrote:
> > > >>>
> > > >>>>On the discussion which oil is best;
> > > >>>>
> > > >>>>Why do we use so much soy oil rape seed oil instead of palmoil.
> > > >>>>Everywhere is see that palmoil is best efficient way to produce
> > > >>>>oil. Is it not good for making biodiesel?
> > > >>>
> > > >>>
> > > >>>Chris K
> > > >>>Cayce, SC

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