
Some other jelled gelled alcohol ideas --

Zen Gelled Alcohol Stoves - Sterno-like Stoves
Jelled/Gelled Alcohol
Extreme do it yourselfers can make their own gelled fuel
at home with alcohol and calcium acetate (C4H6CaO4).
Either methanol or ethanol can be used for fuel.
Calcium acetate (C4H6CaO4) can be purchased or made
by slowly dissolving calcium carbonate (eggshells or chalk)
in vinegar, filtering, and allowing to dry.
If you are new to chemistry take a look at
this high school science project page.

Chemical Reactions and Solid Fuel elslab.htm
A solid camping fuel like Sternoś was discovered several years ago
when a group of campers forgot to pack fuel for their camp stove.
Because the area prohibited use of campfires, the campers needed to
use an alternative fuel source.  One of the campers made a gel
that they could use as a solid fuel.  To make this gel,
chalk was crushed and mixed with vinegar.  The resulting mixture
was filtered through a napkin and the liquid collected was
heated using a solar reflector.  Some rubbing alcohol
was poured into the solution to form a gel which burned.
  Step 1:  Reaction between chalk (calcium carbonate) and
      vinegar (acetic acid, dilute) to produce
      carbon dioxide, water and calcium acetate . . .
  Step 2:  Filtration of unreacted chalk from the mixture
      to leave a solution of calcium acetate in water . . .
  Step 3:  Removal of excess water from calcium acetate solution . . .
  Step 4:  Mixing alcohol with calcium acetate to form fuel . . .
  Step 5:  Combustion of fuel produced . . .
  Step 6:  Evaluation of fuels produced . . . [more]

Baking Bread (And Other Recipes) With An Alcohol Stove

Cloudwalker's Homemade Alcohol Stove

The Gelled Alcohol Stove Fuel
- Calcium Acetate

> Keith Addison wrote:
> This is from a previous message on ethanol gel:

> > "Mix 11 grams of Calcium Acetate with 30 mg of water.
> > Make sure all the Calcium Acetate
> > is dissolved, this might take an hour of occasional stirring.
> > Measure 10 mg of the solution. Slowly add 40 mg of ethanol. As you
> > add the ethanol, the mixture should gel instantly. Pour off any
> > remaining ethanol (a very small amount). Because the mixture gels
> > instantly, you do not have to combine the two until you need to use
> > it for cooking."
> >
> > I made some Calcium Acetate by neutralizing acetic acid with lime.
> > Works well, gels immediately, burns very nicely, but it's not very
> > stable, best to make it when you need it. This way, since it's
> > bioduels in the Third World rural development setting that we're
> > most interested in, everything required is probably available
> > locally, or could be. Ethanol can be brewed on-site (and probably is
> > already), even if it's not absolute; acetic acid can be brewed the
> > same way, by aerating the mash, and agricultural lime is fairly
> > ubiquitous.

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