   Green Machines

   Switching to renewable energy gets easier
   From cars to homes, more Americans trying that lifestyle
   Chris Gardner / AP
   Ron Cascio gets ready to fill up his car with soy-based biodiesel at a
   station near his home in Berlin, Md.
   o [4]Fuel up on vegetable oil
   Apr. 20: Cars that run on cooking oil? MSNBC Countdown's Monica
   Novotny reports on the boom in biodiesel.


   By Brad Foss
   The Associated Press
   Updated: 9:08 a.m. ET April 27, 2005

   For people like Ronald Cascio, who fuels his pickup with a soybean oil
   derivative, and J.D. Doliner, whose home is partly solar powered, the
   high price of energy isn't a worry.

   That doesn't mean their renewable energy preferences come cheap. In
   fact, it requires an extra financial commitment to wean one's home or
   vehicle off fossil fuels.

   Nonetheless, a growing number of Americans are embracing cleaner
   technologies and more energy-efficient lifestyles. It makes them feel
   good and, depending on how high prices rise for traditional energy
   sources, they say renewables might even make economic sense over the
   long haul.

   "Some people spend their money on jet-skis and boats," explained
   Cascio, who lives in Berlin, Md. "So, say we spend another $1,000 a
   year on fuel than we have to, what's the big deal? We feel good about
   it. You can't put a price on that."

   Costs, benefits
   Cascio regularly spends about $3.35 a gallon for pure biodiesel,
   chemically altered soybean oil which is fully compatible with the
   standard diesel engine in his 1989 Ford truck. But because diesel
   vehicles are nearly a third more efficient than those that run on
   gasoline, Cascio said his choice of fuel isn't looking so bad right
   now that gasoline averages more than $2.20 a gallon nationwide.


   In the case of Doliner, who lives in Arlington, Va., it may take more
   than three decades for the $18,000 solar panel system she and her
   husband installed to pay for itself. But the former venture capitalist
   said the investment is worth it merely for the "psychic income" she

   The Doliners recently renovated their home to be about 50 percent more
   energy efficient, but they still get about two-thirds of their
   electricity from the grid and rely on natural gas for home heating and
   to back up their solar water heater.

   "But we are having an impact on the number of power plants that are
   built," Doliner said.

   'Cheaper to save energy'
   That's right, said Paul Torcellini, who researches residential and
   commercial building designs for the Department of Energy's National
   Renewable Energy Laboratory. Reducing the country's dependence on
   fossil fuels requires two behavioral changes: adopting renewables and
   boosting energy efficiency, he said.

   o [7]Biodiesel power
   Feb. 11: Environmental Alternatives produces biodiesel, an
   environmentally friendly fuel manufactured from vegetable oils.
   MSNBC.com takes a look inside the operation.


   "It is much cheaper to save energy than it is to make it, by at least
   a factor of two to one," Torcellini said. Anyone considering solar
   panels should buy the most energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs
   and make sure their walls and windows are properly insulated, he said.

   Those interested in biodiesel simply need a diesel-engine vehicle. To
   show its support of the technology, DaimlerChrysler ships its new Jeep
   Liberty off the assembly line fueled with B5, which contains 5 percent
   biodiesel. The most common grade of biodiesel at the pump, B20, is 20
   percent biodiesel and 80 percent regular diesel.

   The amount of biodiesel sold in the U.S. has grown from 500,000
   gallons in 1999 to roughly 30 million gallons in 2004, said Jenna
   Higgins, a spokeswoman for the National Biodiesel Board. By
   comparison, the U.S. burns more than 100 billion gallons of gasoline
   each year and 4 billion gallons of ethanol, a fuel additive derived
   from corn.

   The Solar Energy Industry Association estimates there are enough
   photovoltaic panels installed in the U.S. to power about 286,000
   homes, up from 60,000 homes in 2000. A considerably smaller group of
   enthusiasts -- perhaps 20,000 homeowners nationwide -- have erected
   wind turbines on their property, according to the American Wind Energy

   Push for more tax incentives
   Wider acceptance of alternative energy by consumers will require a
   significant expansion of what is now only a limited patchwork of
   government refunds and tax incentives.

   "If the government subsidized renewable energy the way it does oil and
   gas, it would be mainstream in no time," said Mark Prebilic, of
   Poolesville, Md. He received a $2,000 refund from the state government
   and a $2,000 tax credit from the federal government when he installed
   solar panels in 2001 that now provide about a third of his home's
   power needs. Prebilic expects to make back the $13,000 investment he
   made in a little more than 20 years.

   Haraz Ghanbari / AP
   J.D. Doliner shows off the kitchen of her Arlington, Va., home, which
   was remodeled to use solar energy for electricity and hot water.

   Relatively generous government incentives -- and ample sunshine -- in
   California has led to the construction of entire neighborhoods with
   homes that harness the sun's energy, said Rhone Resch, executive
   director of the Solar Energy Industry Association in Washington. In
   Sacramento, Premier Homes sold 95 homes over the past year in the
   $250,000-$450,000 range that were equipped with solar panels for

   Indeed, Americans tanking up with biofuel or installing solar panels
   are hardly back-to-the-land types denying themselves modern amenities
   and living off the grid. Doliner's 1,500-square-foot suburban home is
   "green," with roof shingles made from recycled tires, carpet made from
   corn starch and insulation that is partly soy-based.

   "Our house isn't made of twigs and granola," she said.


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