

Fwded message:

To: wastewatts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Dave Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [wastewatts] Acetone as gasoline additive tests - Phase II

Last week I posted results of 3 tankfuls of gasoline containing acetone as
an additive at about 3oz per 10gal of gasoline.    Summary of findings were:

Over all:  Just about averaged 2.4oz/10gal of acetone
     Distance/consumption:   1,245mi,  62.00gal
     Result:    20.08mpg

Tank 2 and 3 only:  Pretty darn close to the 3oz/10gal recommended acetone
     Distance/consumption:  859mi,  41.95gal
     Result:   20.48

So next I operated my van a similar distance under similar, although not
strictly identical, conditions.  Here's what I got.

Tank 1:  Still had some acetone remaining, I estimate about 0.25oz per
10gal of gasoline.
     Distance/consumption:  416mi, 20.184 gal
     Result:  20.6mpg.
     Notes:  Mixed feelings on this tankful, as I'm sure the acetone in
earlier gas fills probably cleaned out my injectors and stuff.  Still, it
wasn't any practical difference from the acetone test.

Tank 2:  Any acetone residuals in the tank now are nil and not worth
figuring or considering.
     Distance/consumption:  445mi, 26.556gal
     Result:  16.76mpg
     Notes:  Huge drop, and trips were relatively consistent with those
taken for the acetone portion of tests.  I doubt that any minor temperature
fluctuations during this testing period could account for this much change.

Tank 3:  Shouldn't be any acetone left other than a stray molecule or two.
     Distance/consumption:  396mi, 23.017gal
     Result:  17.2mpg
     Note:  In the same relative ball park as the last tankful.

Over all:  1257miles / 69.757gal = 18.02mpg

Tanks 2 and 3 only:  841miles / 49.573gal = 16.96mpg

Huh?  That's a big difference.  The skeptic in me doubts it should be
so.  An overall difference of 2.78pmg that says that the acetone provided
for a 15.4% improvement.  Or a tank 2/3 comparison that results in a
difference of 3.52mpg that says that the acetone provided for a 17.6%

If this is all true, then I'm going to become a devoted fan of the acetone


Yesterday I made a trip to the western suburbs of Chicago, IL.  I tanked up
as I was leaving Green Bay, WI and tanked up again at the same gas station
when I came back.  This was 397miles 380mi highway, 17mi local
streets).  How'd I do?  397miles / 18.65gal = 21.3mpg.  ?????????  That's
right up there with the best of the acetone treated gasoline.  Only
difference is that this last tankful was consumed at nearly "all" highway
speeds.  Makes it different from the other tankfuls, but it still makes one

Conclusion:  The test must continue.  Since I've got straight gasoline in
the tank now, I'll continue the record keeping for another week or
so.  Then I'll go back to acetone addition and run a comparable set of miles.

I'll report back later as further results come in.  In the meantime I'm
tending to lean towards concluding that the acetone helps.  I know my
engine runs smoother with it.  It was evident when I first added the
acetone and the engine is now back to it's old tricks without the acetone.

Dave Brown
Green Bay, WI

Black holes are where God divided by zero.

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