Hi Hakan! I got the info on the Saab Biopower from a Hungarian site called 
Totalcar.It had a picture and the story so if its not true than its something 
they made up! If you want to see it its :www.totalcar.hu  Jules.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Hakan Falk<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 5:23 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Clean Energy Show London


  Wow, -:) no wonder it is newsworthy. I would not really call the bridge a
  highway in Sweden, but I did pay the bridge a few times. You are cheating
  a little bit here.

  I knew about the discussions about congestion tariffs, but never thought
  that it already was approved. It was a lot of hard work to achieve 
  so Stockholm could get on the list of busy Capitals and motivate that the
  politicians could make it an issue. LOL

  Many years ago I was selling and working with simulation software in
  Sweden and it must have been a work of art to create so many problems
  that Stockholm have. Even if they did not reach the status of London and
  Paris, it was an optimum of what they could achieve to reach the status
  of a Country Capital. That was a challenge for linear programming, because
  it was impossible to create so much problems with manual methods.

  Parking in Linkšping and Norrkšping has always been free, if you only
  accept to walk 500m, Maybe it is more like 1 km, so you get out on
  the country side. A little bit more for Uppsala. LOL

  Come and visit me in Spain and we will find a good temporary solution
  for the drinking problem, without filtering the fuel. Sweden is one of the
  countries in the world, with the highest Ethanol use. It is also quite a
  large part of the population, who are experts on Ethanol production. LOL


  At 10:25 AM 5/8/2005, you wrote:
  >  Hakan wrote:
  > > Just a bit curious, since when and where did they start with highway tolls
  > > in Sweden? Free city parking and special tax breaks, I did not read about
  > > any revolutions in Sweden. LOL
  >Well, there is the bridge over to Denmark paid for by taxes with a one way
  >toll higher than a Ryan air ticket from Sweden to most European
  >Ethanol cars and the Prius will be exempt to the congestion tariffs which
  >have now been finally approved for Stockholm.
  >In Linkšping and Norrkšping the above vehicles also park free - not sure
  >about other places but I seem to remember Uppsala too.
  >These vehicles when used as combined company/private or company subsidised
  >cars give a better tax break for the individuals using them.
  >All of the above doesn't help much though. Me, I can't afford the bridge or
  >Ryan, can't afford a new or different car, don't live anywhere near a place
  >I can't usually park for free, don't have a company so can't cheat on taxes
  >and I still have 60 km's round trip to my nearest shop which costs 68 skr
  >(app $10 US) every time at today's diesel prices (10 km litre), and a 75 cl
  >bottle of Vodka still costs 220 skr (app $32 US) so I can't drown my sorrows
  >either ;-(
  >Even though ethanol is cheaper at the pump the fuel saving cost is
  >negligible as consumption is higher. Most of the above at
  > >http://svt.se/plus<
  >click 'se plus' and watch last weeks video.

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