
Preliminary Deal On Ethanol Plan

Friday March 1, 2002 7:20 AM

WASHINGTON (AP) - A proposal calling for major changes in the 
nation's gasoline is being worked out in the Senate, a compromise 
plan that resolves long-standing differences between oil companies, 
farmers and environmentalists.

The tentative agreement would require a tripling of the amount of 
ethanol to be used in gasoline, a boon to the farming industry, while 
it also would ban the additive, MTBE, which has been blamed for 
fouling lakes and streams in a number of states.

And it would end the requirement that gasoline in areas of serious 
air pollution contain a certain amount of oxygen, a rule the oil 
companies say is outdated because they can blend fuel to meet air 
quality requirements.

While some details remained to be worked out, Senate negotiators - 
and the unusual alliance of frequently feuding interest groups - have 
reached general agreement on the plan, several participants in the 
discussions said Thursday.

The role of ethanol in gasoline and the future of MTBE, the 
fossil-fuel based additive that is under attack from New England to 
California for polluting waterways, has been the subject of intense 
political jockeying in Congress for years.

But now, barring any unforeseen glitches, a proposal to address both 
issues is likely to attract broad bipartisan support when it is 
considered as part of a far-reaching Senate energy bill probably next 
week, congressional sources said.

When the government in 1995 required a minimum level of oxygen in 
gasoline to help the fuel burn more cleanly, most refiners turned to 
MTBE, although some - largely in the Midwest - used ethanol as an 

Farm-state lawmakers' attempts to increase the requirements for 
ethanol, mostly made from corn, repeatedly failed because of 
opposition from oil interests and the methanol industry.

Attempts to ban MTBE also has stalled, although the Environmental 
Protection Agency urged phasing out the additive nearly three years 
ago. Oil companies, fearing the growth of ethanol use, said they 
would not accept a ban unless the overall oxygenate requirement also 
was scrapped.

But many environmentalists feared that an across-the-board lifting of 
the oxygen requirement would increase pollution.

The stalemate continued right up to last summer when attempts to 
include an MTBE ban and a provision for more ethanol use as part of a 
House energy bill never gained traction.

Not so in the Senate, where Majority Leader Tom Daschle of South 
Dakota, a state with ethanol plants, demanded a provision boosting 
ethanol use from the current 1.7 billion gallons to 5 billion gallons 
over the next decade.

But that wouldn't fly unless the oil companies and environmentalists 
also got something.

So the compromise also would ban MTBE in four years and scrap the 
requirement that gasoline contain at least 2 percent oxygenate in 
areas with heavy air pollution - about a third of all gasoline sold.

``Nobody's 100 percent happy,'' said one of the participants in the 
negotiations, but all at once the feuding sides appear to be coming 

While Daschle's strong interest is ethanol, it is the MTBE ban that 
harnessed the support of two other influential senators, James 
Jeffords, I-Vt., and Bob Smith, R-N.H., the chairman and ranking 
Republican, respectively, on the Senate Environment Committee, whose 
states are clamoring for an end to the additive because it is 
polluting their water.

The Bush administration also has been eager to work out an agreement 
that would please two powerful constituencies, oil and agriculture.

Still, some problems remain to be worked out, said several of the 
participants in the negotiations, speaking on condition of anonymity.

For one, the oil industry wants to make sure the ethanol requirement 
does not cause supply problems. One proposal is to give refiners, who 
don't want to use ethanol, the ability to buy credits from other 
refiners who use more ethanol than they would be required to use.

And MTBE makers are trying to get the government to help them shift 
into another field - perhaps making another clean-air gasoline 
additive. After all, they argue, it is the government's oxygen 
requirement seven years ago that triggered their investments in MTBE.

Bill Becker, who represents state air quality control officials, said 
he is worried that wider use of ethanol will increase air pollution 
in some states where governors will find it hard to participate in a 
federal clean-fuel program.

He said he's raised those concerns in the negotiations, but doesn't 
believe the issue will thwart an agreement. ``There will definitely 
be increased pollution,'' he said.

But in a congressional game of horse trading, Becker has not been 
able to convince other environmentalists that this concern outweighs 
getting rid of MTBE and its pollution problems.

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