>Dear Friends,
>I would  like to know if any of you could give me feedback on the 
>use of coconut oil as a biofuel.
>Bernie Peiris

Hello Bernie

Thailand is leading the way in this, but I don't think it's a very 
good direction, and has resulted in engine problems and manufacturers 
withdrawing warranty coverage, and insurance companies following suit.

This is from a Thai news story: "A key official, Pongpisit 
Viseshakul, said the approved specification was likely to be diesel 
oil blended with no more than 10% vegetable oil. In contrast, most 
biodiesel produced at community level contained as much as 70% to 80% 
vegetable oil, said the director of energy conservation and 
alternative energy at the National Energy Policy Office." ... and 
it's often poor-quality stuff.

NOTE that they call it biodiesel, but this is NOT biodiesel, it's 
just a blend. Some of the resources below refer to true biodiesel 
produced from coconut oil by transesterification, which is a 
different thing altogether - no problem here, good fuel. That's the 
recommended route - make biodiesel. The usual methods work just fine 
- see:

Biofuels: Journey to Forever

Biofuel at WebConX

Otherwise, even in warm countries, you'll have to pre-filter the oil, 
de-water it, probably deacidify it, then run it in a dual-tank system 
which heats it to at least 70 deg C, with additional fuel filters 
upstream, and starting up and shutting down on either petro-diesel or 
biodiesel (and even this isn't suitable for all diesel motors and for 
all injector systems). There are those who'll disagree, but that's 
what you need to do to run your diesel motor safely. You might get 
away with less, but you're running the risk of problems and decreased 
engine life. In gensets, marine diesels, Listers and so on it might 
be okay, for vehicles, you're running a risk.


Biodiesel: The Use of Vegetable Oils and Their Derivatives as 
Alternative Diesel Fuels, G. Knothe, R.O. Dunn, and M.O. Bagby, in 
Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical 
Society. Download full-text article (MS Word, 337Kb):

"Waste Vegetable Oil as a Diesel Replacement Fuel" by Phillip Calais, 
Environmental Science, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia, and A.R. 
(Tony) Clark, Western Australian Renewable Fuels Association Inc.

Advanced Combustion Research for Energy from Vegetable Oils (ACREVO)

Search here for "coconut":
Info-Archive at NNYTech

Also have a look at this:
AlterNet --
Cars From Coconuts

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