Is Alcohol Fuel New?
The first model cars were run on alcohol, as were many tractors and
industrial motors.  About that time gasoline became so plentiful and
inexpensive that it was not practical to continue the use of alcohol.
Germany fought the remainder of the war with alcohol when their petroleum
supply lines were cut off.  As long as there have been races, race cars,
stoves, and lanterns, there has been alcohol fuel.

Alcohol - the clean Fuel!
As earlier generations who used alcohol lamps will testify, alcohol burns
clean, does not pollute, and can be burned in a closed room without toxic or
odor effects - without the need for mechanical ventilation systems.  Because
it is such a clean burning fuel, you need not use smog-devices on your
engine as you are emitting only carbon dioxide (which is essential for our
plant life to produce clean fresh oxygen) and water.  So if you are using
only alcohol as a fuel, you can remove your smog devices and recover the
power and mileage you have lost by having these devices on you automobile.
Smog devices rob an average 7 % of your fuel.  Alcohol is also widely used
in marine stoves, etc. since an alcohol fire may be extinguished with water.

Alcohol burns more completely than gasoline.  You may recall the days when
spark plugs were wired to the tailpipes of cars to make flames shoot out the
tailpipes.  This occurred because the gasoline was not being completely
burned in the engine.  It passed right through the engine and out the
exhaust system.

Octane - Prices and Shortages
Do you really think gas prices are going to come down and stay down?  Can
you see any reason why they won't keep escalating?  What about shortages
caused by foreign oil supplies (by wars)?  Are you prepared to produce your
own fuel in the event of another shortage or gas rationing?

This seems to be the decade to "Save the Earth" and most organizations are
focusing on subjects pertaining to the things on the earth's surface.  This
is and excellent movement.  Now let us take a moment to examine what is
happening to our earth below it's surface.  Every day our earth is being
hollowed out by the removal of nearly 50 millions barrels of oil.  These oil
wells are leaving voids all over our planet, and the oil turned into fuel,
and the fuel going up into smoke.  What happens to the vacancy left by the
oil?  Some remain vacant holes and others are filled with seeping water.
Many experts agree that the earth's water table is lowered by about three
feet each year.  Many also agree that these huge voids or "pockets" are
causing settling and movement in the earth more commonly known as "tremors"
and "earthquakes".  From Alaska to Mexico there have been many huge quakes
and we feel that it is more than coincidental that this coastal area is
where so much oil is being pumped out daily.  Everyday there is a hole made
in the earth by this 50 million barrels of oil equivalent to a little more
than a section (640 square acres or 1 square mile) of land that is ten feet

Most people feel there is nothing they can do to stop the few huge oil
barons from destroying our planet.  But at the same time we all support them
by buying their products.  They know they can charge whatever price they
wish and we will pay it.  During the so called "oil shortage" of 1973,
people were actually killed in the gas lines.

There is an Alternative
Alcohol has been a proven product and motor fuel for nearly a century.  It
comes from products grown on top of the earth surface.  It is non-polluting.
It emits only CO2 (carbon dioxide) which is essential to plant life, and
water, which is essential to most all types of life.  Alcohol has a much
higher octane rating (108) than gasoline.

Gasoline emits mostly carbon monoxide which is most commonly known as a
fatal poison to most forms of life.  There are very few of us in a position
to produce gasoline, but very few of us who can't produce our own alcohol
fuel.  Even if we live in the city, we can still produce our own.  Or we can
do as we have been and hope we are safe.  But we will let our children and
grandchildren pay for what we have left them.

Alcohol and Gasoline (Gasohol)
There are few advantages in mixing alcohol and gasoline together.  If you
intend to do so, you will need at least 195 proof alcohol to avoid
separation of the alcohol and gasoline.  But 160 to 180 proof ETHANOL used
straight is A MUCH

BETTER FUEL.  We urge you to conduct your own simple comparison test by
placing a small amount of alcohol and a small amount of gasoline into clean
separate containers, and light each fuel afire.  You will notice a
difference in the clean blue flame of the alcohol and the dirty yellow flame
and the black smoke of the gasoline.  After the two fuels have completely
burned and the flame has gone out, take a white cloth or tissue paper and
wipe the containers.  There will be no black residue from the alcohol.
After conducting the experiment, can you image the reactions of the public,
if alcohol were in use worldwide and filthy gasoline was introduced as a

What does "Proof" Mean?
One percent alcohol represents two proof of alcohol.  Example: 100 proof is
50% alcohol and 50% water.  Therefore. 160 proof is 80% alcohol and 20%

Ethanol versus Methanol
The REVENOOR stills described and offered in the booklet are sold for the
production of ethanol (ethyl-alcohol).  Ethanol is made from grains,
potatoes, sugar beets, etc.  Methanol (methyl-alcohol) or wood alcohol has
only about ⅔'s the BTU's (British thermal units - a measure of energy)
as that of ethanol and therefore is a less efficient fuel, as it get less
mileage per gallon.  We do not recommend the production of methanol (wood
alcohol) in REVENOOR stills without using and extractor or extruder to
strain the fermented beer before distillation.  Also necessary to produce
alcohol from wood or cellulose is a cooker to precook the cellulose into
fermentable sugars.  Usually it is more expensive to produce methanol from
wood products than to produce ethanol from grains, etc. with our SOUR MASH
method.  Factors to be considered when producing wood alcohol are:  the
extra heat costs for the precooking, the added costs of the enzymes or acid,
and the higher investment of the necessary additional equipment.  Ethanol
made from SOUR MASH is much less complicated.  We are able to build any type
of equipment that you may wish to use in relation to production of alcohol.
We suggest that if you are considering using sawdust or wood products as
ingredients, you should do some small experiments first to see it will be
feasible for you.  An alternative would be to use the wood products for a
heat source to produce alcohol.

see much more info at

Steve Spence
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