Camillo reckons 250,000 gal/yr is too small to be economic based on European
experience.  Please bear in mind that Europeans enjoyed a lot of EU
financial support and possibly illegal tax breaks in their home markets.
Therefore they did not have to hone costs in anything like the way you have
done at Yellow.  I would suggest you could be right in thinking this is a
good size, looking at the Australian and British scenes, which started later
and had to be leaner with far less financial help.
My second point is that this forum is very concious of promising research
into new and better pathways for triglyceride to ester conversion, so it
would take a brave person to invest heavily in yesterday's technology.  This
is not meant as any sort of slight on Camillo's offering nor on the
appropriateness of reminding us of it.  Indeed, the same could be said of
Pacific's technology as mentioned by Keith.

David T.

Biofuels at Journey to Forever
Biofuel at WebConX
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