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What Are They Thinking? GM Executives Must be Living on Saturn!

An Ad for the Saturn VUETM Likens the SUV to Endangered Arctic Species

By Kenny Bruno
November 7, 2002

Ad Text: Introducing the Saturn VueTM. At home in almost any environment.

There are several possible explanations for the astoundingly 
insensitive "Introducing the Saturn VUE" ad which ran in the March 
11, 2002 edition of Newsweek.

* Saturn/GM executives believe that "what's good for General Motors 
is good for the environment, and vice versa." (Saturn is a wholly 
owned subsidiary of General Motors.)
* Saturn/GM executives are so busy they have never heard of global 
warming or climate change.
* Saturn/GM executives have a macabre sense of humor, and derive 
amusement from rubbing our noses in the degradation of the planet 
they help cause.
* Saturn/GM executives are living on Saturn.

Up until now, CorpWatch has never given a Greenwash Award to simple 
environmental image ads by auto companies. TV and print ads have so 
many examples of gas guzzling, unsafe cars incongruously pictured in 
dramatic natural landscapes that these ads are usually not original 
enough to deserve an Award.

But the depiction of an SUV on what looks to be a melting polar ice 
floe in the company of wildlife is either so ironic, so arrogant or 
so ignorant (it's hard to tell which), that we have made an exception 
and given this Greenwash Award to Saturn and its parent company, GM.

The irony is SUVs are one of the causes of global warming, and 
therefore of the melting polar ice that threatens many of the species 
pictured in the ad. GM SUVs, specifically, are a big part of the 
problem. Are GM executives trying to teach us about "inhabitants of 
the polar regions" because they realize those inhabitants may 
disappear due to climate change? Are they saying their vehicles can 
survive anywhere, even on melting ice caps, and therefore global 
warming is not a problem? Or are they just counting on the public to 
miss the connection between the SUV on the ice, and its role in 
causing that ice to melt? It's hard to say.

It is not hard, however, to see the connection of American cars to 
global warming. The U.S. accounts for 25% of global carbon emissions, 
the largest greenhouse gas and most important cause of climate 
change. Of that 25%, about one third is caused by the transportation 
sector. Cars and light trucks make up 62% of those transportation 
related emissions. So cars and light trucks make up about 20% of all 
U.S. carbon emissions, or about 5% of the world's total.

U.S. cars and light trucks alone emit more carbon than all sources 
from the entire nation of India, a country which auto executives are 
quick to point to in the debate over whether to limit emissions. GM 
vehicles alone account for about 1.65% of world carbon emissions - a 
substantial amount for a single company.

It would be bad enough for the climate if GM simply made the most 
cars in the world (which it does). But, like the other major 
automakers, it has increased its output of SUVs in the 14 years since 
global warming was recognized as a serious environmental threat. As a 
result, the fuel efficiency of GM vehicles went down during the 
1990's, and the company's burden on the climate increased. The Saturn 
VUE's fuel efficiency is not as bad as some SUVs (22 city, 28 
highway), but GM's record as a whole gives it one of the biggest 
impacts on the climate of any company in the world.

That impact is especially pronounced in the polar regions. As the US 
EPA notes, "Climate models indicate that global warming will be felt 
most acutely at high latitudes, especially in the Arctic where 
reductions in sea ice and snow cover are expected to lead to the 
greatest relative temperature increases."

The EPA goes on to report that these changes are already underway. 
Arctic temperatures are the warmest in 400 years. Snow cover has 
decreased 10% since the late 1960s. Alaska has warmed by an average 
of 4 degrees Fahrenheit since the 1950s, leading some glaciers to 
recede and thin.

These changes seem to be linked to declining health of polar bears, 
as earlier spring ice break-up leaves less time for them to hunt 
seals. Increased precipitation and deeper snow pack due to climate 
change is also a likely culprit in the decline of caribou in Alaska. 
Some Alaskan native communities are dependent on these caribou herds 
for their survival and their way of life. In the Antarctic, 
researchers have linked global warming and related snow and ice 
patterns to a decline of penguin populations. That is just the tip of 
the iceberg, so to speak, in terms of the mountain of evidence 
linking global warming and the decline of the wildlife depicted in 
the Saturn VUE ad.

If the caribou only knew, they would shun the VUE.

At home in any environment? In a twisted way, there is truth to the 
ad. While you won't find many SUVs from GM or any other company on 
ice floes in the far north, through their carbon emissions, they are 
symbolically present everywhere on earth. Even -- especially -- in 
the environmentally sensitive polar regions.

Saturn and its parent company GM are indeed connected to the ice 
packs and wildlife of the far north, but it's not a connection they 
should be proud of.

Main Sources

Global Warming - Impacts, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency fact 

John DeCicco & Feng An, "Automakers Corporate Carbon Burdens - 
Reframing Public Policy on Automobiles, Oil and Climate," 
Environmental Defense, 2002 Saturn Website

Kenny Bruno is the CorpWatch Greenwash Guru.

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