Where can we find the actual subsidies for american biodiesel production? A 
significant cash credit is available to US producers from the USDA if they 
are registered with the EPA.  This is assuming that the EPA will allow you to 
register as a commercial producer. I tried to do this last October, 2001 and 
the EPA got back to me in February 2002 saying that not only would they not 
let me register as a commercial biodiesel producer, but that the fine for 
being in production without registering is up to $25,000 per day and that I 
should never have started to produce biodiesel in the first place and the 
fine could be retroactive to the day that I filed for registration.

Nevertheless, there are USDA subsidies for the commercial production of 
biodiesel. Just a few weeks ago, World Energy Corp., the largest producer of 
biodiesel in  this country, asked for help from this website and from many 
others in asking for petitions to the government, USDA, to stop a republican 
effort to reduce existing subsidies to the producers of biodiesel. This 
subsidy is called a producer price support, among other names, and must be 
very substantial. World Energy Corp. reported that the realignment of 
subsidies would cause their company to have to raise prices by about 90¢ per 
gallon. That means that retail biodiesel would increase by more than $1 per 

I believe there are two types of subsidies. First is a large payment, over $1 
per gallon, as a one time payment for bringing on new production facilities 
to make biodiesel. That is measured on an annual basis. For example, if you 
start a new processing line of, say, 100,000 gallons per year, the check from 
the government would be in excess of $100,000. The second type of subsidy, at 
much less than $1 per gallon, is a subsidy for each gallon of biodiesel 
produced. I'm told that the subsidy for the production of biodiesel from 
virgin soybean oil is far larger than the subsidy for biodiesel made from 
recycled yellow grease, or any other source.  What kind of sense does that 
make? Just shows you who has the biggest lobby in the area, ADM. Perhaps some 
of the realignment of subsidies recently decided upon by the republicans was 
to readjust the money for all biodiesel sources being more in align with each 
other. Maybe not.

So, where is this subsidy information available? Its public policy, afterall, 
and must be accessible. Anyone know?

Tom Leue
Yellow Biodiesel

In a message dated 11/13/02 7:17:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Useful tool to calculate subsidy payments for oilseeds:

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