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Be Your Own Power Company

by David Morris

Rodale Press, 1982. Copyright Institute for Local Self-Reliance.

319 pages


Introduction (308K .pdf)

Chapter I: The Electric Revolution (1.4 MB .pdf)
Edison and the Rise of the Modern Utility
The New Deal Electrifies the Nation
The Pendulum Swings Back: Decentralized Power

Chapter II: How the Electric System Works (1.4 MB .pdf)
The Modern Steam Plant
Case Study: Boston Edison
System Reliability
Utility Planning

Chapter III: PURPA (2.3 MB .pdf)
Qualifying for PURPA
Utility Avoided Costs Data
Purchase Prices and Avoided Costs: A Brief History
Avoided Capacity Costs
As Available Capacity Credits
Excess Capacity
When Utility Purchases Are Not Required
All-Requirements Utilities and Wheeling

Chapter IV: Interconnecting with the Grid (1 MB .pdf)
Protecting the Worker, the Customer and the Network
Generators, Inverters, Self-Excitation and Power Factors

Chapter V: Getting the Best Deal (1.3 MB .pdf)
The Regulatory Process
The Negotiation Process
Force Majeure and Interruption of Power
Paying Interconnection Costs

Chapter VI: Electric Generation Technologies (1.8 MB .pdf)
Wind Power

Chapter VII: Economics (1 MB .pdf)
A Simplified Guide to Energy Economics
Opportunity Costs
Case Study: Wind Power

Appendix 1: PURPA Sections 201 and 210 (230K .pdf)

Appendix 2: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Regulations 
Implementing PURPA Sections 201 and 210 (699K .pdf)

Appendix 3: Electricity Generated by Oil (38K .pdf)

Appendix 4: Twenty-five Most Expensive and Twenty Five Least 
Expensive Service Territories (56K .pdf)

Appendix 5: Cost-of-Service Data for Selected Utilities (67K .pdf)

Appendix 6: Source List: Equipment and Publications (178K .pdf)

Appendix 7: States' Cogeneration Rate-Setting under PURPA (249K .pdf)

Notes (152K .pdf)

Bibliography (111 K .pdf)

Biofuels at Journey to Forever
Biofuel at WebConX
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