Right sorry, I meant what I said in the first place.  This up-to-$30
per gallon figure would mean, wouldn't it, that the farmer would
almost have to sell it if he could get that kind of money for it
because it's about 15-25 times more expensive (per BTU or per gallon)
than gasoline or regular diesel.  I am of course momentarily setting
aside other factors such as a personal commitment to avoid using
petroleum or other issues.  But on a simple dollar basis, it looks
like Hemp Oil might be very valuable in the market place as compared
to using it at home.

This is just a first glance though.  Other factors could and would
enter in, such as we don't know how much it would go for if there were
a vibrant hemp trade rather than the present black-market.  (Never
mind that black or grey markets should not exist in the America of the
Free-marketeers, and that they appear to exist in Hemp products but
are not protested or discussed by the *supposed* free market advocates
(Conservatives, et. al.)  

I've voted Libertarian a few times and it was largely because they
were the only party which consistently had candidates who wanted to
talk about this issue and end the War On Drugs and the attendant war
on Free Trade within U.S. borders.  I've *never* heard a *single*
prominent Republican or Democrat suggest that the War On Drugs is a
violation of Free Trade principles, and is used as a pretext for the
violation of Property Rights of Americans, and I'm hard pressed to
remember any of them who have even wanted to question the wisdom of
the entire Drug War.

The only prominent Conservative I can think of who came out
questioning it did so on the basis of *cost* I think.  I guess he just
couldn't bring himself to question the wisdom of the American
Government legislating morality and making Property Rights a matter of


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