Environmental Media Services - facts and contacts for journalists
Feb. 10
Tax Code Encourages Gas Guzzlers, Critics Say

A huge tax break for buyers of the largest SUVs is drawing sharp 
criticism from environmentalists and public interest advocates. The 
tax break, which costs the U.S. treasury thousands of dollars per 
vehicle purchased, has created an incentive for small business owners 
to buy vehicles that exceed a 6000 pound threshold for the deduction.

Some new car dealers are using the tax break as a selling point for 
the largest SUVs and some tax advisors are also encouraging 
self-employed professionals to buy larger SUVs.

Adding to the controversy, the Bush stimulus plan, in an effort to 
spur business investment, would increase the maximum deduction for 
large trucks and SUVs to $75,000. has a chart comparing five vehicles that shows how the tax 
code favors large SUVs.

Find out more:
New York Times, "Bush Proposal May Cut Tax on S.U.V.'s for Business"
Sierra Club, "Sierra Club to IRS: Audit Gas-Guzzling SUVs"
Alliance to Save Energy, "SUV Tax Break 'Outrageous'"
Detroit Free Press, Brian Dickerson column, "Tax Breaks and SUVs a Curious Mix"
Detroit News, "SUV, Truck Owners Get a Big Tax Break"
Taxpayers for Common Sense white paper, "A Hummer of a Tax Break"
Taxpayers for Common Sense, "Senator to Introduce Bill to Close SUV 
Business Tax Loophole"

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