Biodiesel Industries announced today the opening of its newest facility in
New South Wales, Australia. The 40

million liter per year facility was dedicated by Ian Macfarland, Australia's
Minister of Industry, Tourism and Resources,

yesterday in front an audience over fifty dignitaries representing local
government, environmental organizations,

and the petroleum industry. The plant is the first of its kind in Australia,
and will produce a cleaner burning

renewable fuel made from vegetable oils, animal fats and recycled cooking

"I think it is a great innovation," Mr. Macfarland Said. "It will have a
positive effect on the environment and, of

course, it will generate local employment."

The dedication ceremony was covered extensively by the Australia media,
including national radio, television,

and front page news articles. "We are extremely pleased with the reception
we have received in Australia. This joint

venture with our Australian partners, will be part of a global network of
biodiesel production facilities, dedicated to

producing biodiesel inexpensively from local resources, using local talent,
and helping to clean up the local environment,"

explained Russell Teall, president of Biodiesel Industries. "Many companies
talk about their plans for building

biodiesel production capacity, we're actually doing it."

The new plant is located in Rutherford, about two hours north of Sydney near
Newcastle, and will be managed

by Rutherford native Andrew Hill. Mr. Hill's family has been involved in the
petroleum distribution business for

many years, and saw the opportunity for incorporating an environmentally
friendly alternative to diesel fuel in their

product portfolio. After several visits to Biodiesel Industries' plant in
Las Vegas, and conducting an investigation of

other production technologies, Mr. Hill settled on Biodiesel Industries'
modular production system. Once permits

were in place, the construction and commissioning of the facility took less
than three months.

The City of Newcastle began promoting biodiesel last year when it purchased
a VW Kombi and started using

biodiesel imported from Biodiesel Industries' Las Vegas facility. The
project was the subject of numerous media

reports, and helped pave the way for legislation favorable to biodiesel use.
As in the US, the attraction of biodiesel

derives from both environmental and national energy security concerns.
Andrew Hill commented that, "Because

biodiesel is renewable and domestically produced it will help ensure
national energy security by replacing fuel

products with Australian made, environmentally friendly, alternative fuels."

Steve Spence
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----- Original Message -----
To: <undisclosed-recipients:>
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 6:13 PM
Subject: Australia Biodiesel Plant Opening

> See attached press release.
> Russ Teall
> Biodiesel industries

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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