In This Issue July 2, 2003

<#1>Indiana Opens First Terminal Offering Biodiesel
<#2>Berkeley Becomes Largest City in Country to Use B100
<#3>National Biodiesel Conference & Expo to Take Place Feb. 1 - 4
<#4>Lollapalooza 2003 Powers Tour with B100
<#5>Illinois Governor Signs Biodiesel Tax Incentive Bill

<#6>Texas Passes Biodiesel Production Incentive
<#7>Washington Update ö Senate to Debate Energy Bill
<#8>Public Biodiesel Pumps Open in North Carolina
<#9>NBB Member News

  Indiana Opens First Terminal Offering Biodiesel
  Countrymark Co-op has opened the first soy biodiesel metered 
blending system in the nation at its terminal in Jolietville, 
Indiana, just outside Indianapolis.

ãWe believe this marks the beginning of a pattern of terminals around 
the nation offering biodiesel,ä said Joe Jobe, executive director of 
the National Biodiesel Board. ãIt is quite significant because it 
closes a gap in the efficiency of biodiesel distribution. ãThe beauty 
of biodiesel is that you donât have to reinvent the nationâs fuel 
infrastructure to use it. This is the first big step in realizing 
that integration into the national petroleum infrastructure.ä

Hundreds of petroleum distributors already carry the product 
(<>w, but 
having it at the terminal will streamline the process. Ultimately, 
having biodiesel available at these large, regional petroleum 
distribution points will bring transportation costs down for 
biodiesel, thus lowering the end price for consumers.

ãCountrymark plans on expanding this to other terminals if it is 
successful,ä said Ron Hill, Countrymark Vice President, Supply and 
Marketing. ãThere are so many good reasons to support renewable 
resources and buy soy biodiesel. It helps reduce emission levels, 
reduces dependence on foreign oil, stretches our fossil fuel reserves 
and establishes a meaningful market for local soybean growers.ä

Countrymark praised the Indiana Soybean Board (ISB) for supporting 
the companyâs commitment to soy biodiesel. ISB provided grants to 
Countrymark for feasibility studies and infrastructure improvements. 
Soybean checkoff programs have funded a significant portion of the 
development of the biodiesel industry in the US.
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  Berkeley Becomes Largest City in Country to Use B100
  The City of Berkeley celebrated a milestone in June as officials 
announced the city has transitioned to 100 percent biodiesel (B100) 
in its diesel vehicles. Berkeley is the first city of its size in the 
US to switch to pure biodiesel.

The City held a ceremony and exhibit to celebrate the occasion. The 
exhibit featured a variety of diesel vehicles from the Departments of 
Public Works, Parks, Fire, Police and Health and Human Services.

ãThe City of Berkeley has a long history of innovation and as a 
leader in public policy,ä said City Manager Weldon Rucker. ãThe use 
of biodiesel fuel is yet another example.ä

Berkley now uses B100 in more than 180 of the Cityâs diesel vehicles, 
representing 90 percent of its fleet of 200 diesel vehicles. The 
remaining 10 percent are fire department vehicles that will run on 
B100 when accommodations are made for delivering the fuel to the more 
remote fire stations throughout the city.

ãLargely due to our towering success with B100 in the recycling 
trucks, the Berkeley City Council and six citizen advisory 
commissions strongly supported the cityâs switch,ä
said Dave Williamson, operations manager for the Ecology Center in 
Berkeley. ãWith biodiesel Iâm able to switch to something that is not 
only an alternative fuel but is completely sustainable. For the first 
time in my 13 year career in recycling, Iâve had people leave their 
homes to thank me for using biodiesel. It has resonated loudly with 
the public.ä

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  National Biodiesel Conference & Expo to Take Place Feb. 1 - 4
Mark your calendar for the 2004 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo, 
to take place February 1 ö 4 in Palm Springs, Calif. This is the 
first of many more annual biodiesel conferences to come, according to 
Joe Jobe, executive director of the National Biodiesel Board (NBB).

ãThis conference has evolved out of the annual Biodiesel 
Brainstorming Workshop, a technical meeting that last year attracted 
200 attendees,ä Jobe said. ãAs a result of such strong interest, we 
have expanded into a full-fledged national conference addressing all 
aspects of the biodiesel industry. The demand for such a conference 
is a sign of how much this industry has progressed.ä

Bulletin subscribers will receive more information about the 
conference and it will be posted at 
<> soon. The agenda is still 
under development, but sessions will cover a comprehensive set of 
topics in the technical, regulatory and marketing areas.

The technical Brainstorming Workshop will be held in conjunction with 
the conference. The winter National Biodiesel Board meeting will take 
place immediately following the conference on Feb. 5.
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  Lollapalooza 2003 Powers Tour with B100
  Lollapalooza 2003 
(<>, the legendary 
modern rock music festival, will use B100 in generators this summer 
in an effort to protect the health of concert goers while minimizing 
its harmful impact on the environment. At each venue, pure biodiesel 
will fuel the second stage, which is generator-powered. In 
Indianapolis and Denver, B100 will fuel all generators, including 
those used to power the tent exhibits.

ãThere will be thousands of people at concerts this summer breathing 
in diesel exhaust, and Lollapalooza tour organizers know that's not a 
healthy thing,ä said Gary Haer of West Central Soy 
(<>, the company 
supplying the festival with biodiesel. Haer is also vice president of 
the National Biodiesel Board. ãBy using biodiesel, theyâre doing the 
right thing for their participants and for the environment. Since 
biodiesel is domestically produced, the festival is also doing its 
part for national energy security.ä

The tour kicks off July 5 in Indianapolis and wraps up in Portland, 
Ore. on Aug. 24.

Founded in 1991 by Perry Farrell, lead singer of the band Janeâs 
Addiction, Lollapalooza has exposed millions of people to scores of 
new musical artists and cultural trends, leading Spin magazine to 
rate it the ã#1 Tour that Changed the World.ä

ãThis summer at Lollapalooza, we are excited to be powering our 
second stage on biodiesel,ä said Ferrell, who is also executive 
producer of the festival. ãSwitching to biodiesel, we have learned, 
can make a tremendous difference to the environment. The idea is 
simple and we believe it is one of the fashionable energies of the 

Musicians like Bonnie Raitt and Indigo Girls have used biodiesel on 
tour in the past, but Lollapalooza is the largest tour to use 
biodiesel to date.
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  Illinois Governor Signs Biodiesel Tax Incentive Bill
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich signed two bills in June which 
create a tax incentive for biodiesel as well as grants for 
construction or improvements of renewable fuels production facilities 
in the state. The Illinois Soybean Association estimates the 
legislation will add five cents per bushel to the price of Illinois 
soybeans. Given Illinoisâ annual production of 450 million bushels of 
soybeans, the legislation could boost the stateâs economy by more 
than $22.5 million.

The bills include SB 46 that provides a partial sales tax exemption 
of 20 percent on biodiesel blends containing from 1 percent to 10 
percent biodiesel (B1 to B10). Biodiesel fuel blends above 10 percent 
(such as B20) receive a total exemption from state sales tax, which 
is 6.25 percent. Blagojevich also signed HB 46 to establish the 
ãIllinois Renewable Fuels Development Programä that offers grants of 
up to $15 million annually for constructing, modifying, altering or 
retrofitting a renewable fuels plant with a minimum production 
capacity of 30 million gallons.

ãIllinoisâ legislation is a model for how states can stimulate their 
economies by opening doors for greater biodiesel use and production,ä 
said National Biodiesel Board Executive Director Joe Jobe. ãBiodiesel 
is an American-made fuel that offers significant health and 
environmental benefits. States that support biodiesel are helping 
clean their air supply while they create jobs and boost their stateâs 

Jobe commended the Illinois Soybean Association and Illinois farmers 
for their outstanding leadership and hard work to achieve this 
groundbreaking legislation. He also stressed that pending federal 
legislation, particularly a tax incentive for biodiesel, is still key 
to growth of the biodiesel industry.

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  Texas Passes Biodiesel Production Incentive
The Texas Legislature passed biodiesel incentive legislation in June 
that offers a net grant of 16.8 cents per gallon of biodiesel 
produced. The bill establishes two funds, one each for biodiesel and 

Plants register with the state, and must show that they are capable 
of production, have a substantial investment, and that the plant is a 
permanent fixture. Producers report monthly the gallons produced, 
imported or blended, and pay a 3.2 cents per gallon (cpg) tax on 
production into a fund. The state matches by a multiplier of 5.25 
cpg. No less often than quarterly, the state issues grants of 20 cpg 
back to the plants. The net grant would equal 16.8 cpg. The producer 
is entitled to receive the 20 cents for 10 years after the beginning 
of production. Biodiesel must meet ASTM specifications and the law is 
feedstock neutral. Grants are limited to 18 million gallons per year 
per producer per registered plant ($3.6m). Grants may be lowered if 
the fund is insufficient for that fiscal year. The program is run 
through the Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office.

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  Washington Update ö Senate to Debate Energy Bill
The Senate is expected to resume consideration of energy legislation 
at the end of July. Senate Energy Committee Chairman Pete Domenici 
(R-NM) has pledged to finish the bill by the beginning of the August 
recess. The plans are to schedule 7-8 days of debate before the 
recess period and force a finish before Congress leaves for the 
month-long break. The schedule could coincide with the National 
Biodiesel Board's (NBB) Washington meeting. NBB will be in Washington 
July 28-30, for its regular summer meeting.

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  Public Biodiesel Pumps Open in North Carolina
  A one-of-a-kind BMW 324 racecar was first in line at the June 
opening of North Carolinaâs first retail pump dispensing soy 
biodiesel for highway use. Pit and Pump on Park Drive in Washington, 
NC now sells B5 to the public.

The BMW 324 BDR is owned and driven by Al Taylor of Al Taylorâs 
Sports Cars in Whitakers, NC. Taylor has dedicated his racing efforts 
this year to promoting the use of soy biodiesel by creating public 
awareness and demand.

ãThis is important to me because soy biodiesel is a much more 
environmentally friendly alternative in terms of both production and 
pollution,ä Taylor said. ãSecond, I want to help farmers in eastern 
North Carolina, who will profit from the increase in demand and 
prices if a soy biodiesel plant uses the soybeans they grow. Finally, 
I think itâs important to drastically reduce our dependence on 
foreign oil.ä

A Pit and Pump in Jacksonville, NC also opened a B5 pump in June.

July 1, the stateâs first B20 pump opened at a BP station in Garner, 
NC. Progress Energy, one of the largest utilities in North Carolina, 
will use the station to fuel their vehicles with B20, according to 
Grain Growers Cooperative 
(<>, a 
biodiesel provider based in Rocky Mount, NC. Grain Growers 
Cooperative provides biodiesel to the BP station and plans on opening 
a plant in North Carolina.

For a national map of retail pumps offering biodiesel to the public, 
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  NBB Member News
World Energy (<>, a 
biodiesel provider based in Chelsea, Mass., has announced some 
personnel changes. Graham Noyes has been promoted to Vice President 
of Sales. Nathan Tennant has been brought on as Director of Marketing 
and Director of Sales East. The company has hired Melissa Lohnes to 
head up the companyâs public relations division.

Biodiesel manufacturer West Central Soy 
(<> and Todd & 
Sargent have teamed up to form a biodiesel technology company called 
Renewable Energy Group (REG) in Ralston, Iowa. REG 
) combines turn-key biodiesel facility design and plant construction 
into one package. The planning, process design and engineering of a 
plant for customers includes construction and installation of a plant 
utilizing a continuous flow process. REG also offers customers the 
option of input procurement, as well as the option of marketing the 
finished biodiesel product.

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  Upcoming Events

2004 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo, Feb. 1 ö 4, Palm Springs, Calif.
NBB Board Meeting, Washington DC, July 28-30

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  Contact Us
Jenna Higgins, Director of Communications
Information Coordinator

This bulletin is also available in PDF format online at
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