Posted by Peter Singfield of Belize at the STOVES list: 

Hydrogen Energy

Hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant element in the world. It is very
chemically active and rarely exists in nature in its pure form. Usually it
exists in combination with other elements such as oxygen in water (H2O),
carbon in methane (CH4) and in numerous organic compounds. Hydrogen bound
in organic matter and in water makes up about 70% of the earth's surface.

Stored in liquid form, hydrogen is low weight, compact, high energy fuel.
It has the highest energy content of any known fuel with a gross heating
value of 142.04 MJ/kg (net heating value is 119.99 MJ/kg). Hydrogen can be
regarded an energy carrier, or secondary energy source, that can be used in
a number of foreseen applications such as transport, energy storage,
blending with other fuels to minimise pollution and emissions, and
displacement of fossil fuels for the production of electricity.

Current uses of hydrogen are in industrial processes, rocket fuel and space
craft propulsion. Motor vehicles and furnaces can also be converted to use
hydrogen as a fuel. Since the 1950's hydrogen has also been used to power
some aeroplanes, and hydrogen powered cars have been developed. Hydrogen
burns 50% more efficiently than conventional gasoline and petroleum used in

Another use of hydrogen is in fuel cells to produce energy.

Where Do we Get hydrogen from?

Steam reforming - Currently, most hydrogen is produced by the steam
reforming process. It involves heating fuels, such as methane and methanol,
with a catalyst to separate hydrogen from the rest of the fuel.

Electrolysis - Electrolysis separates the elements of water, hydrogen and
oxygen, by charging the water with an electrical current. Adding an
electrolyte such as salt improves the conductivity of the water and
increases the efficiency of the process. Electrolysis is unlikely to become
a predominant method for large scale hydrogen production. Research has been
performed into usage as an energy storage mechanism in combination with

Steam electrolysis - This is a variation of conventional electrolysis, with
part of the energy provided to split the water molecules added has heat
rather than electricity.

Thermal water splitting - At 2500¡C water decomposes into hydrogen and
oxygen. One of the problems with this process is preventing water and
oxygen from recombining at the high temperatures used.

Thermochemical water splitting - Thermochemical water splitting uses
chemicals such as bromine or iodine, assisted by heat to cause the water
molecules to split. It takes several steps to accomplish this entire process.

Photo-electrochemical processes - There are two types of
photo-electrochemical processes. The first uses soluble metal complexes as
catalysts. When these complexes dissolve, they absorb solar energy and
produce an electrical charge that drives the water splitting reaction. This
process mimics photosynthesis, however, currently there is minimal
experience in this process. The second method uses semi-conducting
electrodes in a photochemical cell to convert light energy into chemical
energy. The semiconductor surface serves two functions, to absorb solar
energy and to act as an electrode. However, light induced corrosion limits
the useful life of the semiconductor.

Biological and photo-biological processes - Biological and photo-biological
processes us algae and bacteria to produce hydrogen. Under specific
conditions, the pigments in certain types of algae absorb solar energy. The
enzyme in the cell acts as a catalyst to split water molecules. Some
bacteria are also capable of producing hydrogen, but unlike algae they
require a surface to grow on. The organisms not only produce hydrogen but
can also clean up pollution as well.

Biomass decomposition and gasification/pyrolysis - Methane and ethanol can
be produced by the anaerobic digestion of biomass by bacteria. Sources of
such biomass include landfills, livestock wastes, and municipal sewage
treatment plants. The biofuels produced can be reformed or decomposed into
hydrogen and other gases via high temperature gasification processes or low
temperature pyrolysis processes.

Hydrogen Storage

When properly stored hydrogen burns in either gaseous or liquid state. When
combusted with pure oxygen, the only by-products are heat and water.
However, when burned with air (which is about 68% nitrogen) some nitrogen
oxides (NOx) are formed. Even then burning hydrogen produces less air
pollutants than burning the same amount of fossil fuels.

Liquid storage - Cooling hydrogen to below its boiling point of -252.7¡C
allows storage as a cryogenic liquid without the need for pressurisation.
When cooled to its liquid state, hydrogen takes up 1/700 as much room as in
its gaseous state thus enabling a larger quantity to be stored and
transported. However cryogenic storage is a difficult and expensive process
and refrigeration to the temperature temperatures required consumes the
equivalent of 25-30% of its energy content, and requires special materials
and handling.

Gas storage - Hydrogen may also be stored as a gas which uses less energy
than converting to liquid form. The gas must be pressurised to store any
appreciable amount. For large scale use, pressurised hydrogen could be
stored in caverns, gas-fields and mines before being piped to individual
homes in the same way as natural gas. New materials such as carbon fibre
have permitted storage tanks to be fabricated that can hold hydrogen at
extremely high pressures, however at present, the costs of tanks and
compression are high. Thus, gas storage is not yet economically feasible
for transportation.

Metal hydrides - Metal hydrides are chemical compounds of hydrogen and
other material such as magnesium, nickel, copper, iron and titanium.
Certain metal alloys absorb hydrogen and release it when heated. Hydrogen
can be stored in the form of hydrides at higher densities than by simple
compression. However they still store little energy per unit weight.

Gas on solid adsorption - Adsorption of hydrogen molecules on activated
charcoal (carbon) can approach the storage density of liquid hydrogen.

Microspheres - Very small glass spheres can hold hydrogen at high
pressures, charged with gas at high temperatures where the gas can pass
through the glass wall. At low temperature the glass is impervious to
hydrogen and it is locked in. Customised glass spheres are currently being
developed for this purpose.

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