Published on Wednesday, December 31, 2003 by

It's the Cow Feed, Stupid!

by John Stauber


The USDA's much ballyhooed new measures to address the emergence of 
mad cow disease in the US are wholly inadequate. Until there is a 
complete and total ban on all feeding of slaughterhouse waste to 
livestock, coupled with the testing of millions of animals, mad cow 
disease will continue to amplify and spread in US animal feed and 
among livestock. Eventually we will see cases of human mad cow 
disease emerging. It was a decade after the recognition of the first 
mad cow in Britain that the human deaths, continuing today, began 

We know now that in the US the so called "firewall," the FDA's 1997 
feed regulation misnamed a "feed ban," has been woefully ineffective, 
a farce. Sheldon Rampton and I exposed this in our 1997 book, Mad Cow 
USA: Could the Nightmare Happen Here?

We waited to see what the FDA would do before we concluded our book 
in the fall of 1997. The FDA wrote feed regulations that allowed the 
livestock and animal feed industry to continue their dangerous 
practices that are spreading mad cow disease in North America.

The USDA knew way back in 1991, more than a decade ago, that a feed 
ban was necessary to protect human and animal health, but sided with 
the livestock industry. In a 1991 report I obtained under the Freedom 
of Information Act USDA said, "the advantage of this option is that 
it minimizes the risk of BSE. The disadvantage is that the cost to 
the livestock and rendering industries would be substantial." (Mad 
Cow USA, p. 149-150)

The 1997 FDA feed regulation is not a feed ban, but a labeling 
requirement that meat and bone meal from cattle and other ruminants 
be labeled 'do not feed to ruminants.' (MCUSA, p. 215-218) Government 
investigators have found that this rule has been widely ignored and 
poorly enforced. Without offering proof, USDA officials now say there 
is 99% compliance with this rule.

However, even if that were true, it would mean little since farmers, 
ranchers and cattle producers can buy properly labeled feed and still 
feed it to cattle. There is no on-farm inspection of how even 
properly labeled feed is actually used, and such inspection is 

As long as billions of pounds of rendered slaughterhouse waste are 
being fed to livestock, labeling regulations and the sort of partial 
requirements that USDA announced December 30, 2003, will not stop mad 
cow disease from spreading.

The 1997 feed labeling regulation is so bad that it even allows 
animals known to be infected with mad cow and similar diseases to be 
rendered into animal feed, despite the fact that the World Health 
Organization has urged for a decade that no infected animals be fed 
to animals or people.

Researchers have long shown that blood can transmit mad cow type 
diseases, yet under the 1997 labeling regulations massive amounts of 
cattle blood are today being fed to calves in milk replacer, calf 
starter and feed supplements. Government and industry sources are 
telling reporters that it is safe to feed cattle blood to calves and 
cattle, yet Dr. Stanley Prusiner, the Nobel-prize wining mad cow 
researcher, says that feeding cattle blood to calves is "stupid."

Why was cattle blood exempted from the 1997 FDA regulation? The 
politically powerful dairy industry wanted cheap blood protein in 
milk formula for weaning calves. The 1997 FDA regulations were 
written for industry, not to protect human or animal health.

Also, under the 1997 FDA regulations, all parts of cattle are 
rendered and fed to pigs and poultry, which are rendered and all 
parts are fed back to themselves and to cattle. This feeding loop can 
spread and amplify mad cow disease, and even create and spread new, 
never before seen, strains of the disease.

Unless and until the US follows the lead of the EU nations by 
implementing a total ban on byproduct feeding, along with testing 
millions of animals, the mad cow crisis will only worsen with time.

In January, 1997, FDA projected that with no feed ban in place, the 
appearance of a single mad cow in the US would mean that over the 
next 11 years at least 299,000 additional mad cows cases would 
emerge, because of the spread of the disease via infected feed and 
the long invisible latency period in cattle. These 299,000 case would 
occur even if an airtight, mandatory feed ban were put in place 
immediately after the appearance of the first mad cow in the US. 
(MCUSA, page 211-212)

Clearly, there is no effective livestock feed ban currently in place 
in the US, and USDA and FDA have absolutely no plans to put one in 
place. The so-called "firewall feed ban" of 1997 is a farce, an 
ineffective labeling requirement and nothing more.

The powerful livestock and animal feed industries continue to call 
the shots at FDA and USDA. Apparently they believe that their current 
crisis management PR campaign will fool the US news media and US 
consumers into thinking that the right steps have all been taken. 
Apparently they also believe that US trading partners can be bullied 
into buying US cattle and beef. The longer that this industry and 
government deception continues, the greater the US mad cow crisis 
will become. Eventually as in other countries even the US government 
and the powerful US livestock industry will be forced to adopt the 
only steps that work: a total ban on feeding rendered byproducts to 
livestock, and the testing of animals before they are eaten.

Today, however, the spin and obfuscation continues.

John Stauber is the Executive Director of the Center for Media & 
Democracy and the Co-Author of: 'Toxic Sludge Is Good For You', 'Mad 
Cow USA', 'Trust Us, We're Experts', 'Weapons of Mass Deception', and 
the upcoming (June, 2004) 'Banana Republicans'

A free and complete copy of "Mad Cow USA: Could the Nightmare Happen 
Here?" Can be downloaded at:


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