
Special Report
The Politics of Energy: Coal
How did coal become the Bush administration's fuel of choice?

WASHINGTON, November 21, 2003 - When George W. Bush was inaugurated 
on the Capitol steps in January 2001, the coal industry, which had 
contributed more than $250,000 to his presidential campaign, was 
battling a series of regulatory efforts that, taken together, 
threatened to make the dirtiest fossil fuel-and those who mined and 
burned it-economically unviable. Less than three years later, coal is 
once again king. Bush, an oil man whose biggest campaign contributor 
was natural gas giant Enron Corp., has done more to advance the 
interests of coal than for any other sector of the energy industry.

Prior to his election, coal was the primary target of a 
"four-pollutant approach" for federal regulation of old power plants. 
Environmentalists and some members of Congress during the Clinton 
administration favored ordering electric utilities to reduce air 
pollutants nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, mercury and carbon 
dioxide, which would be limited for the first time under U.S. law.

Coal, which is used to generate about half the nation's electricity, 
is responsible for most of the emissions of the four pollutants. 
Environmentalists hoped a multi-pollutant regulatory regime, once 
enshrined in law, would make coal less viable as a fuel. Industry 
officials, of course, feared that stricter versions of a 
multi-pollutant mandate could end up doing just what many 
environmentalists wanted - and reduce the market for coal.

To fight the regulatory efforts, coal producers and users reported 
spending more than $107 million lobbying the federal government. In 
addition, they contributed more than $30 million to political 
campaigns from 1997-2002, and found allies on Capitol Hill like Rep. 
John Dingell, D-Mich., who received more than $280,000 in donations 
from the industry during that time-more than any other politician 
over the same period-and fought attempts by the EPA to issue a study 
that would support lower emission standards for mercury. Despite such 
largesse and the industry's paid allies among Washington's lobbyists, 
the trend toward greater regulation of coal-and reducing the nation's 
dependence on it-was well established when Bush took office.

In the 2000 election campaign, the stakes for the coal industry could 
not have been higher. Democratic candidate Al Gore had a long record 
of environmental pronouncements and seemed unlikely to support the 
industry. Bush, his Republican opponent, had signaled some support 
for both limiting carbon dioxide emissions and the multi-pollutant 
approach to environmental law. Nevertheless, the coal industry were 
early backers of Bush.

They had good reason. Thomas R. Kuhn, the head of the Edison Electric 
Institute, the primary trade group for electrical utilities, was a 
Bush Pioneer, one of the elite fundraisers who promised to raise at 
least $100,000 for the Texas governor. Kuhn wrote a May 27, 1999, 
letter to other fundraisers, informing them of the importance of 
letting the Bush campaign know exactly which industries were raising 
money for him. "As you know . . . a very important part of the 
campaign's outreach to the business community is the use of tracking 
numbers for contributions," Kuhn wrote. "Listing your industry's code 
does not prevent you, any of your individual solicitors or your state 
from receiving credit for soliciting a contribution. It does ensure 
that our industry is credited, and that your progress is listed among 
the other business/industry sectors." Bush and his administration 
made sure that the coal industry could cash in its credits.

As Congress considers the massive, thousand-plus-page Energy Policy 
Act of 2003, a bill that provides billions of dollars in tax credits 
and spending for the energy industry-Sen. John McCain dubbed it the 
"Leave no Lobbyist Behind Bill"-the Center for Public Integrity is 
releasing the Politics of Energy, a series of reports looking at the 
influence that sectors of the energy industry-coal, nuclear, oil and 
natural gas-wield on Capitol Hill and in the White House. The first 
four reports, to be released over the next two weeks, focus on the 
resurgence of coal.

The emergence of a coal-friendly strategy

Within months of taking office, the Bush administration changed 
course and announced that it would not cap carbon dioxide emissions 
after all. About 40 percent of American CO2 emissions come from the 
production of electricity, with coal-fired plants contributing about 
three-fourths of that. With no commercially available technology to 
remove the odorless gas from smokestacks, the only means to reduce 
the pollutant-widely believed by scientists to be one of the primary 
greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming-would be to switch 
from coal to other energy sources, like natural gas, nuclear or 
renewable energy. Two weeks later, the administration withdrew from 
the Kyoto treaty (in 1997, the U.S. Senate had resolved 95-0 not to 
ratify it), an accord that requires industrial nations to reduce the 
amount of carbon dioxide they emit.

One of the Bush administration's first initiatives was the 
establishment of an energy task force, chaired by Vice President Dick 
Cheney, which laid out a coal-friendly strategy for meeting the 
nation's energy needs. In May 2001, the group released the National 
Energy Policy plan, which called for federal agencies to "provide 
greater regulatory certainty relating to coal electricity generation 
through clear policies that are easily applied to business decisions."

In February 2002, Bush announced the "Clear Skies Initiative," which 
he characterized as a "market oriented" approach to environmental 
regulation. Clear Skies would undo many of the targets for pollution 
reduction required under provisions of the Clean Air Act, and would 
substantially weaken the requirement that coal-fired power plants 
reduce emissions of mercury-a toxin that may cause as many as 60,000 
cases of preventable brain defects among newborns each year. Coal is 
one of the main sources of man-made emissions of mercury.

Top Recipients of Coal Industry Contributions
1997 to 2002

Recipient       Party, State    Oversight Roles

Rep. John Dingell       D-Mich. Energy & Commerce

President George W. Bush        R        

Rep. Joe Barton R-Texas Energy & Commerce

Rep. Rick Boucher       D-Va.   Energy & Commerce

Rep. Ralph Hall D-Texas Energy & Commerce

Rep. John Shimkus       R-Ill.  Energy & Commerce

Sen. George Voinovich   R-Ohio  Environment & Public Works

Rep. W. J. "Billy" Tauzin       R-La.   Energy & Commerce, Resources

Sen. Mary Landrieu      D-La.   Energy & Natural Resources, Appropriations

Rep. Dennis Hastert     R-Ill.  Speaker

Rep. Joseph Knollenberg R-Mich. Appropriations

Rep. Tom Sawyer D-Ohio  Energy & Commerce

Sen. Chuck Hagel        R-Neb.   

Sen. Frank Murkowski    R-Alaska        Energy & Natural Resources

Sen. Craig Thomas       R-Wyo.  Energy & Natural Resources, Environment & 
Public Works

Sen. Jim Inhofe R-Okla. Environment & Public Works

Rep. Robert Aderholt    R-Ala.  Appropriations

Rep. Charles W. "Chip" Pickering        R-Miss. Energy & Commerce

Sen. Spencer Abraham    R-Mich. Currently Secretary of Energy

Sen. Rick Santorum      R-Pa.   Republican Conference Chairman

Incumbents in Bold

On New Year's Eve in 2002 and again in August 2003, the Bush 
administration announced "reforms" of New Source Review, a Clean Air 
Act regulation that requires power plants, refineries, and other 
industrial operations that emit pollutants to use the best available 
(and often most costly) technology when upgrading or expanding their 
old facilities. In 1999, the Environmental Protection Agency had 
launched lawsuits against a number of electric utilities, mostly in 
the Southeast and Midwest, that, the agency alleged, had ignored New 
Source Review requirements when refurbishing their old generating 
plants. Thanks to the Bush administration's new posture on New Source 
Review, companies which had considered settling with the EPA-and 
complying with NSR requirements-have chosen to continue fighting in 

They've also taken the fight to Capitol Hill. Since 1995 the industry 
has spent more than $107 million attempting to influence the course 
of everything from appropriations to tax policy and emissions 

Like many other major industries, coal companies have over the years 
spared little expense in recruiting a roster of legislative and 
regulatory talents, with the hope that these former trusted 
government advisers would be able to sway their old colleagues toward 
their new employers' points of view. The Edison Electric Institute 
retained the services of former Rep. Bill Brewster, D-Okla., to work 
on general energy issues including the National Energy Policy Act. 
Allete, which owns utility Minnesota Power, retained the law and 
lobbying firm Troutman Sanders LLP to represent its interests; former 
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee minority counsel 
Clifford Sikora was one of the Troutman Sanders partners who lobbied 
for the firm.

Southern Company, an Atlanta, Ga.-based utility, retained C2 Group 
LLC, which boasts Jefferies Murray, former chief of staff of Rep. Bud 
Cramer, D-Ala., who sits on the House Appropriations Committee, and 
Michael Hanson, who served as chief of staff to Rep. Sam Johnson, 
R-Texas. Southern hired Balch & Bingham, which has a roster of talent 
that includes former House Commerce Committee counsel Fred Eames. 
Southern also hired the Alexander Strategy Group to represent its 
interests; the group's lineup includes Brian Darling, former general 
counsel for former Sen. Bob Smith, R-N.H., once chairman of the 
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

Revolving door spins both ways

With the arrival of the Bush administration in Washington, the 
traditional movement from government service to private sector 
lobbying was reversed. Consider Interior Department Deputy Secretary 
J. Steven Griles, a former coal-industry executive and lobbyist. His 
lengthy client list included the American Petroleum Institute, the 
National Mining Association, oil giant Sunoco, and the Edison 
Electric Institute, which is the electric-utility trade association. 
Or Thomas Sansonetti, who became assistant attorney general for 
environment and natural resources after he had lobbied for Peabody 
Coal and other mining interests. The Department of Labor's assistant 
secretary for mine safety and health, David Lauriski, joined the 
department after three decades in the coal mining industry, including 
stints as a board member of the Utah Mining Association and general 
manager of Energy West Mining Company, one of the nation's largest 
underground coal producers. And a Latham & Watkins lobbyist, Jeffrey 
Holmstead, was chosen by the Bush White House as the EPA assistant 
administrator on air and radiation. As the nation's top official on 
air quality, Holmstead has promoted the Clear Skies Initiative during 
Senate testimony while rolling back regulations that restrict power 
plant pollution.

Former Montana Gov. Marc Racicot, who was chosen as chairman of the 
Republican National Committee with the backing of President Bush in 
December 2001, created a firestorm of controversy when he said he 
would continue lobbying while serving as the top fundraiser and 
titular head of the Republican party. In 2001, Racicot represented 
something called the National Electric Reliability Coordinating 
Council out of his Washington office in the Houston-based firm of 
Bracewell & Patterson. Now known as the Electric Reliability 
Coordinating Council, the association was also represented by another 
former RNC chairman (and current Mississippi governor-elect), Haley 
Barbour of Barbour, Griffith & Rogers. In its lobbying registration 
form, the group is described only as an "unincorporated association 
of electric utilities," designated to lobby on "New Source Review 
administrative proceedings and policy."

The ERCC is far from the only such coalition concerned with pollution 
standards and other issues affecting the coal industry. Another major 
player is Energy for a Clean Air Future, which lists Cinergy, PPL, 
Reliant Energy, Wisconsin Electric and Canadian company TransAlta as 
its affiliated organizations, and cites "air quality and related 
energy issues involving power plant emissions" as its chief 
legislative concern, according to the lobbying registration filed by 
the organization's former attorneys at Latham & Watkins.

But few topics have seized the coal industry's attention within the 
last decade as much as the Clean Air Act, a sweeping regulatory 
measure amended in 1990 and signed into law by President George H.W. 
Bush. Strenuously enforced by the Clinton administration's 
Environmental Protection Agency, the CAA was a federal effort, 
working jointly with state departments of environmental quality, to 
control and eventually reduce emissions spewed into the air from 
automobiles, factories and other air polluters. Despite use of 
market-driven incentives for polluters to clean up their operations, 
the EPA's administration of the act also created several layers of 
additional bureaucracy - so much so that companies sell software 
designed solely to help users comply with the ever-changing 
provisions of this one piece of legislation.

While many associated with the coal industry decry the Clean Air Act 
and its restrictive effect on coal operations, which by their very 
nature produce voluminous amounts of smoky emissions as a byproduct 
of mining, they received an unexpected if short-lived boost starting 
in late 2001 - not from the government, but from shortcomings within 
the private sector. When natural gas trader Enron and supplier Dynegy 
both collapsed under the weight of accounting irregularities, the 
viability of natural gas as a competitor to coal was somewhat called 
into question.

Months before Enron and Dynegy imploded, the Bush administration had 
made its priorities clear. "If rising U.S. electricity demand is to 
be met," the National Energy Policy plan stated, "then coal must play 
a significant role." To that end, the task force suggested that the 
Department of Energy invest $2 billion over ten years to fund 
research in clean coal technologies, that current 
research-and-development tax credits be made permanent, and that 
environmental regulations be made with an eye toward facilitating 
"business decisions" by the coal industry.

Among those who stand to benefit from the migration back to coal is 
James "Buck" Harless, a West Virginia coal and timber baron who 
served as a Bush Pioneer. Harless also donated $100,000 to the 
presidential inaugural, and was one of more than thirty 
energy-industry officials who served on the Bush Transition Energy 
Advisory Team. According to the Charleston Gazette, Harless played a 
role in the appointment of Michael Castle to a position created 
specially for him in the Philadelphia office of the EPA-the regional 
office whose territory includes West Virginia. Castle, formerly West 
Virginia's top environmental official, worked as a consultant to the 
coal industry following his departure from state government and was 
an owner in several small coal companies.

Lobbying against widows

Coal companies have aggressively attempted to control some of the 
more specialized costs they face. Coal miners, simply by virtue of 
their occupation, are exposed to steady amounts of ash, silt and 
other hazardous airborne particles throughout the mines. The effect 
upon the lungs is so prevalent that the condition, pneumoconiosis, 
commonly known as Black Lung disease, became an issue for the federal 
government, which in 1978 authorized the Labor Department to set up 
the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund. Today the fund is one of the 
department's largest mandatory costs, second only to the overall 
federal unemployment trust fund.

"Congress finds and declares that there are a significant number of 
coal miners living today who are totally disabled due to 
pneumoconiosis arising out of employment in one or more of the 
Nation's coal mines; that there are a number of survivors of coal 
miners whose deaths were due to this disease; and that few States 
provide benefits for death or disability due to this disease to coal 
miners or their surviving dependents," the Black Lung Benefits Act, 
which enhanced the trust fund originally set up in 1969, read in part.

Representative John Murtha, a Democrat who represents a district in 
southwestern Pennsylvania where coal mining has been a way of life 
for several generations, came into Congress in 1974 and was a 
vigorous proponent of expanding the Black Lung trusts, an effort that 
succeeded seven years later. Nearly twenty-five years after its 
passage, that effort still resonates with his electorate.

"There's a lot of retired coal miners in his district," Ed Mitchell, 
a media consultant working for Murtha, said. "In his recent primary, 
he was endorsed by United Mine Workers and their retirees - I think 
there are 65,000 mine workers in the district É and they all vote." 
The United Mine Workers of America, the largest national mine workers 
union whose president lost both his grandfathers to mining accidents, 
also helped produce an ad endorsing Murtha, who sailed through his 
primary in part because of union support for his stance on miner 
health care issues. "He's concerned about his constituents, who are 
mine workers and former mine workers," Mitchell added. Murtha is 
originally from West Virginia, another state whose economy relies 
heavily upon coal mining.

There have been great improvements in the conditions in which miners 
toil: the days of child labor in the mines are long gone, and overall 
conditions are vastly improved from the turn of the 19th century, 
when coal was a driving force in national economic policy.

Grave problems persist, of course. Clouds of dust still swirl about 
the mines, and the government's efforts to provide for the health of 
the miners who work in the midst of that noxious atmosphere have been 
met, on many occasions, with virulent opposition from the coal 
industry and its most influential trade group, the National Mining 

NMA representing, at last count, more than 300 companies is zealous 
in its efforts to reduce its members' costs, thereby fattening their 
bottom lines. Three days before Christmas in 2000, for example, NMA 
challenged new Black Lung benefits regulations in federal District 
Court, insisting that the revised rules strip miners of their due 
process rights. "While touted as streamlining and simplifying the 
[existing] regulations, the re-proposal does neither," the 
association said in a statement. "It is critically flawed in both 
concept and substance."

In an attempt to prove its point, the association and their phalanx 
of lawyers argued against nearly every word in the new regulations, 
including the definition of a year and also who qualified as a 
surviving spouse. In August 2001, Judge Emmet Sullivan summed up the 
Labor Department's regulations on the issue of miner marriages and 
their eligibility for benefits in his 93-page opinion: "A surviving 
spouse is anyone who went through a marriage ceremony with a miner, 
even if that ceremony is invalid due to a legal impediment, so long 
as the parties did not know it was invalid, and were living together 
at the time of the miner's death." As it did in many of its 
challenges to the rules, NMA argued that the Labor Department did not 
have the authority to, in this case, define marriage for the purpose 
of benefits collection, and that the regulation was "impermissibly 
retroactive" in any event.

In his discussion on the NMA's complaints - which consumes over 
two-thirds of the opinion - Sullivan was generally unsympathetic to 
the association's stated case, disagreeing often with the groups' 
belief that existing case law supported their position. For instance, 
when the Labor Department argued that its rules are not retroactive 
because some only apply to claims submitted after the new rules went 
into effect, it was clear that the National Mining Association's 
legal team - composed of lawyers from Arter & Hadden, a Washington 
law firm which has also lobbied for Edison Electric Institute and 
United Utilities - had not impressed the judge with its case. 
Sullivan referred to some of the association's claims as "meritless" 
altogether. He said of NMA's overall belief that the new rules 
deprived miners, their employers and insurers of due process rights 
simply, "these regulations do not deprive mine operators of a 
meaningful opportunity to be heard."

NMA appealed the decision, but in June 2002, a three judge panel of 
the U.S. Appeals Court for the District of Columbia upheld most of 
the new rules. NMA issued a statement calling the decision a mixed 
ruling overall on its challenge to the new regulations.

The industry also opposed congressional attempts to bolster 
survivors' rights. Rep. Nick Rahall, D-W. Va., introduced legislation 
in April 2002 to give survivors of deceased miners greater rights 
while trying to legally establish their claim to aid under the Black 
Lung Benefits Act.

"The surviving spouse must now file a new claim in order to try to 
continue receiving the benefits and must prove that the miner died as 
a result of black lung disease despite the fact that the miner was 
already deemed eligible to receive benefits prior to death," Rahall 
said on the House floor, noting that survivors were only eligible if 
their loved ones died before the current law took effect on Jan. 1, 
1982. "This is illogical, unfair and outlandish."

The primary concern

While the industry has various labor, tax and other regulatory 
concerns, the primary concern of coal interests remains environmental 
regulation. The National Mining Association, unlike many others who 
file such forms, was quite specific in its lobbying disclosures as to 
what initiatives it supported and which it denounced. In 2001, for 
instance, when it spent roughly $3 million on its in-house lobbying 
staff alone, the trade group opposed limiting funding for hard rock 
mining operations and prohibiting exploration on national monuments, 
while supporting S. 223, a bill to terminate the effectiveness of 
certain drinking water regulations.

Introduced by Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., the bill would void EPA 
regulations made by the agency. Introduced on Jan. 31, 2001, the bill 
languished in committee and has yet to be reintroduced.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the NMA supported funding for clean coal 
initiatives and for development of an Office of Fossil Energy within 
the Energy Department. It opposed, however, a bill introduced by 
House Government Reform Committee ranking minority member Henry 
Waxman, D-Calif., the Clean Smokestacks Act of 2001, to amend the 
Clean Air Act in order to further restrict emissions from electric 
power plants, especially nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon dioxide and 
mercury emissions. Despite attracting 134 cosponsors - or nearly one 
third of the entire House body - Waxman's bill stalled after being 
referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee's subcommittee on 
energy and air quality. The association also opposed a similar 
measure proposed by then Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Patrick 
Leahy, D-Vt., which has experienced a fate similar to Waxman's bill.

The NMA also lobbied against a bill meant to reform Superfund 
liability laws, ostensibly an effort to curb frivolous lawsuits. 
Unlike many industry trade groups, which typically support tort 
reform for their given industries, the NMA simply stated in its 
lobbying report that S. 1105, the Superfund Litigation Reduction and 
Brownfield Cleanup Act of 1999, "does not represent mining industry's 
need for comprehensive liability and natural resource damage reform 
and remedy reform." Introduced by Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., the bill 
died before the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee.

The trade group, of course, is not the only coal-related interest to 
get what it wants. Peabody Energy, AEI Resources and a host of other 
firms whose business is derived primarily from coal routinely fight 
in Washington not only for their industry's economic survival and 
prosperity, but also to keep those same Washington entities out of 
their business. While tax breaks, economic incentives and government 
appropriations - often larded with various contracts for these same 
firms - are popular issues among coal lobbyists, none is more so than 
the role of the EPA, Interior Department, Energy Department and other 
agencies in regulating coal production and distribution.

Like many other energy producers, coal companies must deal with a 
sort of cross-regulation not experienced by, say, telecommunications 
companies, who typically only deal with the Federal Communications 
Commission, unless they run afoul of the law (in which case they, 
like other publicly traded companies, must face the wrath of the 
Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission.) Coal 
companies, by contrast, must negotiate their way through vast 
bureaucracies on the local, state, and federal levels, and must even 
deal with the federal bureaus of land management and Indian affairs 
if attempting to establish operations near an Indian reservation.

Among its most recent targets are the New Source Review regulations, 
established as part of the 1977 amendments to the Clean Air Act, and 
meant to improve air quality. In a June 2002 statement, and acting 
upon the recommendations of the National Energy Policy Development 
Task Force, chaired by Vice President Cheney, the EPA noted that "the 
NSR program has impeded or resulted in the cancellation of projects 
that would maintain or improve reliability, efficiency or safety of 
existing power plants and refineries. There is overwhelming support 
for reform from a diverse group of people and organizations." That 
support extends to private sector interests; Linda G. Stuntz, deputy 
energy secretary in former President George H.W. Bush's 
administration now runs her own law and lobbying practice, Stuntz 
Davis & Staffier. In 2001, PacifiCorp paid her roughly $80,000 to 
guide modifications to NSR rules, in addition to an economic stimulus 
package and multi-pollutant control legislation. Stuntz has also 
served on the board of the Columbus, Ohio-based utility American 
Electric Power since 1993.

"I know this is a complicated and politically charged issue, but I 
don't see how any policy that relies on uncertainty and litigation 
can really be good," Stuntz told the Center. "There is a better way."

All this red tape, predictably, is something about which the industry 
is not terribly fond. Perhaps the most popular single issue for 
companies since 1996 is the environmental aspect of electric utility 
restructuring legislation, effectively deregulating various entities, 
but at a fairly steep environmental compliance cost (stricter 
adherence to the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, for instance, or 
seeking to modify the New Source Review regulations).

While the economic health of the coal industry is certain to be a 
topic of debate as newer technologies continue to encroach upon its 
once certain domain as the nation's premier energy source, the 
legislative battles being waged to maintain that prominence have not 
gone completely undetected. Some members of Congress are aware of the 
closeness between lawmakers, their aides, and the industries they are 
charged with overseeing. With an administration that has put forward 
the industry's position at every turn, oversight has suffered. On the 
House floor April 23, 2002, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) summed up the 
perception of energy industry influence in a concise, if partisan, 

"A lot of this breakdown or effort to downgrade and change in a very 
dangerous way the clean air act is linked to energy policies of the 
utilities in the energy industry. And, of course, we know that the 
President is very close to the oil industry," Pallone told his 
colleagues. "In fact, the top administration EPA official in charge 
of enforcing air pollution regulation for coal power plants, and coal 
power plants are a major source of air pollution, he [EPA Office of 
Regulatory Enforcement chief Eric V. Schaeffer] was so tired of 
fighting the White House that he decided to resign I guess just a few 
weeks ago or about a month ago. And in his letter of resignation he 
said he was tired of 'fighting a White House that seems determined to 
weaken the rules we are trying to enforce.'"

Bill Allison, Kevin Bogardus, Alex Cohen, Bernadette Cullen and Bill 
Dawson contributed to this report.

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