Hallo Larry,

Friday, 03 June, 2005, 09:00:10, you wrote:

LF>   Feel free to protest the administrations positions/policies, but
LF> protesting military recruitment is dishonoring those who place their
LF> lives on the line in defence of the freedoms  we enjoy each day. 
LF> Military personnel are following the orders of "elected" civilian
LF> officials.  Military personnel do not have the latitude to dissent
LF> (unless those orders are unlawful).

You  see,  this is the bit with which I have a problem. What dishonors
the  men  and women of our armed forces is going to Iraq and dying for
an  amply  demonstrated and proven lie. The only honor our troops have
in a dishonorable war is their own personal honor, and this is nothing
if not a dishonorable war.

Secondly,  our  troops  are  not  placing  their  lives on the line in
defense  of  our freedoms. They are placing their lives on the line in
defense  of a political and religious ideological position which is at
odds  with  the truth and the facts.  This regime may use the language
of  the  religious  right  but  they  have   gone  way  beyond  simple
fundamentalist  Christianity  into  Christian  reconstructionism   and
Christian  dominionist  dogma which is radical and at its root as evil
as  anything  gets.   They  are  placing  their  lives on the line for
another lie and it is immoral and absolutely outrageous.

And  lastly  brother, it comes to "elected" and I know you mean a free
and  democratic  election.  But, when you have Tweedle Dum and Tweedle
Dee  to  vote for and you do not receive all the facts, all the truth,
all  the  information you cannot make an informed decision and if ones
decision  is  not  an  informed  decision then ones vote is not a real
vote.  It  cannot  be  free  and  democratic.  The phrases, "...in the
interest   of   national  security..."  and  "...that  information  is
classified..." serve to cover up a lot of evil. The machine is corrupt
to  the  core  and  rigged  to stay that way. Votes do not control the
country  big money and big politics do, and all the hogs feed from the
same  trough at the end of the day. Republican or Democrat, liberal or
conservative, moderate or radical. Good and honest people do not enter
politics without doing one of three things: (a) leaving politics soon,
(b)  becoming  ineffectual  or  (c)  ceasing  to be good and honorable
people.  No  exceptions. If folks don't play by their rules they don't

We  have  the liberty in this land of liberty to protest and criticize
whomever  we  please.   We  don't have the liberty to slander or libel
folks  but no one has immunity from reasonable criticism including the
military.  If the military fights and dies for these freedoms then how
are  we  disallowed from using them whether someone else likes what we
say  or not?  If people are not free to speak and voice their opinions
then  we can just chalk up one more lie.  No one is dishonored by open
and  honest criticism or by someone speaking the truth as they see it.
Disallowing  someone  that  right  would  be a dishonor to our service
personnel  past and present.  If freedom and truth is what our country
is  about  then  let's  have it and if it isn't then let's be up front
about what it is:  money, power and control.

The  people  of  this  country,  like  most  other  if  not  all other
countries,  are  good,  fair, honest and generous folks.  But brother,
the government and big business concerns are not the people.  They are
soulless  institutions  looking  out  for  their  own  welfare  and to
maintain  the  status  quo.   Don't  confuse  the  individual with the
institution.   The  recruiter  is  two  things at once.  A tool of the
government and a person.  Criticism of the tool is not necessarily and
I would think not even the same as criticism of the person.  The honor
of the recruiter or the military person comes from the person not from
the  institution.   I  understand  that this is an emotional thing for
former military people but it is something we have to get and be clear

FYI  I  have  7 years 9 months and 20 days of honorable service with 2
honorable  discharges  and  2 extended Nam tours totalling 33.5 months
and  our unit received the meritorious unit citation of or work there.
My service was honorable.  My war was not.  Fool me once shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me.

Happy Happy,

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin
The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

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