Hello Jerry

Doesn't make a damn to me who said it....its just plain good ole advise.

Is it really. Unless you can tell them why it ain't so, that makes you a xenophobe, in the expressed view of several American list members. That's okay by you too?

Let's have a look. It starts like this:

Robin William's plan. (Hard to argue with this

No it's not, and I don't see a lot of logic.

For a start, it would cause great outrage because it would hurt so many innocent people, probably most of them Americans.

Sure, dump the Saudis, or the Saudi Royal Family anyway, about time too, having propped them up militarily and every other way for so long and helped them crush any move towards democracy the Saudi people might try to make. The Saudis would like that. So would Osama Bin Laden, it would make his day.

But it might not be so easy for the US to shop elsewhere for the oil. You could try competing with China and India and so on to get a good price. Maybe there won't be long gas-station queues all over the US and lots of loud squealing, but don't bank on it. The Saudis prop you up as much as you prop them up. Why do you think they're so chummy with the White House?

You could stop throwing away all that foreign aid you waste trying to help basket-case 3rd World countries that can't or won't help themselves and hate you anyway. But only 0.1% of the US budget goes on foreign aid, a much lower proportion than many other industrialised countries, and unlike more advanced countries it's tied aid, closely tied to US interests. It's mostly Americans that benefit, as intended. There are arguments that the recipient nations might be better off without it anyway, or at least their people would be, if not their rulers and elites. They wouldn't cry a lot if the US-backed multilateral agencies like the World Bank and the IMF and the WTO left too, along with their neo-liberal policies that turn over whole economies to Western-based corporate interests to plunder.

Would you stop exporting arms? Including landmines? Close the School of the Americas? Stop the Drug War in Columbia? (Then what would your spies use for finance?)

And the Arctic Refuge oil will be sold on the market anyway and most of it will probably end up in Japan.

It's a pity the world isn't as simple as it should be, but that's the fact. Pity about facts too. Pity that all the things you're complaining about - "plain good ole advise" [sic] - are cause for complaint mainly because they're side-effects of Americans pretending things are as simple as they should be. Like Bin Laden, for example. It was your spies who set him up in business, he used to work for you. Your spies and the Saudi royals "caused" him. If you sow dragon's teeth you raise a crop of dragons. The relations between his family and the Bush family aren't very simple either, you should check it out, you'll really hate it.

Hate, eh? They hate America. The huge majorities in most countries that give America the finger these days all hate Americans. Some of them do no doubt, they're only human after all, they don't like it when you bomb their children and so on, but IMO most of them don't hate you, they BLAME you. They blame you for not being all the wonderful things you think you are and claim to be, the world's beacon of freedom and democracy, the defender of rights and justice. They blame you for being the opposite of those things. They want to know why you let it happen and what you're going to do about it, and when. Simple questions. Have you got any simple answers?

Sure you've got excuses, you've been bombed out for 90 years by the mother of all industrial-duty spin campaigns stirring up fear and loathing and using it as a goad to herd you into a narrow and simplistic world, to send you to sleep and give you a bad dream. But if that's an excuse then why is it so many Americans aren't asleep at all, they're wide awake, they're saying the same things all the foreigners who hate you are saying, and they're saying it louder? Message-massage is no excuse. You shouldn't have let that happen either, it's not as if you didn't know any better, you did know better, you still do, but you're still letting it happen. Who owns your media these days? Why is it so concentrated? But you're free? LOL! So what exactly is your excuse?

Much as I love you (everybody does really), you're a sorry bunch of mugs with your cringeing and whingeing. America the Brave. Why don't you pull your fingers out?

Go ahead and attack me if you like, it's your prerogative. But if you want your barbs to hit home, take note that I'm not an American. I don't have a country, I don't even have a home - it's one world, home's where I hang my hat, and that suits me just fine. And I don't have a hat either. The list's the same, it's a global village on the worldwide Internet, no home, no country. So talk to us in those terms or don't waste your time.

The rest of you 'Merkins are wide awake at least. Maybe it'll even be enough to take your country back and save the world. Or maybe it doesn't need that many anyway: "Never underestimate the power of a small group of individuals to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has," said Margaret Mead.

Whatever, make it FAST!

Best wishes



----- Original Message -----
From: "Alt.EnergyNetwork" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 12:42 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Re: was Robin's solution... was: DA Drops...

What a load of bull.
I sincerely doubt that "the Robin Williams"
was the author of the xenophobic rant below.

-------Original Message-------
> From: "Jerry Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Robin's solution... was: DA Drops...
> Sent: 05 Jun 2005 03:42:17
>  AMEN!!!!
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  FROM: Michael Redler
>  TO: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>  SENT: Saturday, June 04, 2005 8:27 PM
>  SUBJECT: Re: [Biofuel] Robin's solution... was: DA Drops...
>  Why do all the xenophobic emails end with:
>  "If you agree with the above forward it to a
>  friend...If not, and I would be amazed, DELETE it !!!!!"
>  ....as if the third choice (spreading this email with a description of
> what it really is) is not an option.
>  After watching "Patch Adams", I have to believe that there is another
> Robin Williams who wrote this trash.
>  Be amazed Lisa...be very amazed!
>  Mike
>  _LISA SIMPSON _ wrote:
>  You   gotta love Robin Williams... Leave it to Robin
>  Williams to come up with the   perfect plan .. what we
>  need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up   and
>  repeat this message.
>  Robin William's plan. (Hard to argue with   this
>  logic!)
>  I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I   have
>  not heard of a plan for peace. So, here's one plan.
>  1.) The US   will apologize to the world for our
>  "interference" in their affairs, past   &present. You
>  know, Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic   and
>  the rest of those 'good ole boys,' We will never
>  "interfere"   again.
>  2.) We will withdraw our troops from all over the
>  world,   starting with Germany, South Korea and the
>  Philippines. They don't want us   there. We would
>  station troops at our borders. No one sneaking   through
>  holes in the fence.
>  3.) All illegal aliens have 90 da! ys to   get their
>  affairs together and leave. We'll give them a free
>  trip home.   After 90 days the remainder will be
>  gathered up and deported immediately,   regardless of
>  who or where they are. France would welcome them.
>  4.)   All future visitors will be thoroughly checked
>  and limited to 90 days   unless given a special permit.
>  No one from a terrorist nation would be   allowed in.
>  If you don't like it there, change it yourself and
>  don't   hide here. Asylum would never be available to
>  anyone. We don't need any   more cab drivers or 7-11
>  cashiers.
>  5.) No foreign "students" over   age 21. The older ones
>  are the bombers. If they don't attend classes,   they
>  get a "D" and it's back home baby.
>  6.) The US will make a   strong effort to become
>  self-sufficient energy wise.
>  This will include   developing nonpolluting sources of
>  energy but will require a temporary   drilling of oil
>  in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to
>  cope   for a while.
>  7.) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil   producing
>  countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't
>  like it,   we go some place else. They can go somewhere
>  else to sell their production.   (About a week of the
>  wells filling up the storage sites would be   enough.)
>  8.) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe
>  in   the world, we will not "interfere," They can pray
>  to Allah or whomever, for   seeds, rain, cement or
>  whatever they need. Besides most of what we give   them
>  is stolen or given to the army. The people who need
>  it most get   very little, if anything.
>  9.) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated   island
>  some place. We don't need the spies and fair weather
>  friends   here. Besides, the building would make a good
>  homeless shelter or lockup   for illegal aliens.
>  10.) All Americans must go to charm and   beauty
>  school. That way, no one can call us "Ugly Americans"
>  any longer.   The Language we speak is
>  ENGLISH.....learn it...or LEAVE...Now, isn't that   a
>  winner of a plan.
>  "The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying 'Give   me
>  your poor, your tired, your huddled masses.' She's
>  got a baseball bat   and she's yelling, 'You want a
>  piece of me?'"
>  ~~~If you agree with   the above forward it to
>  friend...
>  If not, and I would be amazed,   DELETE it   !!!!!

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