>As an American citizen, I must believe that there are >people in the world who understand that not all >Americans stand by this president and that there is a >difference between a people and its government
There are quite a few of us out there.
The problem is that many of the people who didn't like what this administration stood for, also didn't vote.  The Bush campaign did a marvelous job of making their constituency happy come campaign time and also made sure that the things their constituency cared about (abortion, gay marriage etc.) got on the ballot.  This spurred them to go vote so that them gay baby killin' librils won't take the country from 'em. 
The Dems did a terrible job of rallying support.  Dean was doing great with the youth, but of course he screamed into a microphone and apparantly that makes him unfit to be president...hey, at least he could speak, right.
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