> des wrote:
> In the article, Pimentel is shown pumping gas, most likely plain old
> regular unleaded gas...
> And it crossed my mind, "How much energy was used to provide a gallon of
> plain old regular unleaded gas,

 Hi Doug.  Here's one posted to the list, 
 [biofuel] Another reason to get off petrol! 
 I remember reading about -- 

 Bad Mileage:  98 Tons to the Gallon 
 Burning Buried Sunshine:  Human Consumption of Ancient Solar Energy. 
 Source: University of Utah [Oct 28, 2003] 

 Oct. 27, 2003 – A staggering 98 tons of prehistoric, buried plant material
 – that's 196,000 pounds – is required to produce each gallon of gasoline we
 burn in our cars, SUVs, trucks and other vehicles, according to a study
 conducted at the University of Utah. 

 "Can you imagine loading 40 acres worth of wheat  stalks, roots and all
 into the tank of your car or SUV every 20 miles?" asks ecologist Jeff Dukes,
 whose study will be published in the November issue of the journal Climatic

 But that's how much ancient plant matter had to be buried millions of years
 ago and converted by pressure, heat and time into oil to produce one gallon
 of gas, Dukes concluded.

 Dukes also calculated that the amount of fossil fuel burned in a single year
 – 1997 was used in the study – totals 97 million billion pounds of
 carbon, which is equivalent to more than 400 times "all the plant matter
 that grows in the world in a year," including vast amounts of microscopic
 plant life in the oceans.

    "Every day, people are using the fossil fuel equivalent of all the plant
     matter that grows on land and in the oceans over the course of a whole
     year," he adds.

 In another calcultation, Dukes determined that "the amount of plants that
 went into the fossil fuels we burned since the Industrial Revolution began
 [in 1751] is equal to all the plants grown on Earth over 13,300 years."

 Explaining why he conducted the study, Dukes wrote:  "Fossil fuel consumption
 is widely recognized as unsustainable.  However, there has been no attempt to
 calculate the amount of energy that was required to generate fossil fuels,
 (one way to quantify the 'unsustainability' of societal energy use)."

 The study is titled "Burning Buried Sunshine: Human Consumption of Ancient
 Solar Energy."  In it, Dukes conducted numerous calculations to determine how
 much plant matter buried millions of years ago was required to produce the
 oil, natural gas and coal consumed by modern society, which obtains
 83 percent of its energy needs from fossil fuels.

 "Fossil fuels developed from ancient deposits of organic material, and thus
 can be thought of as a vast store of solar energy" that was converted into
 plant matter by photosynthesis, he explains.  "Using published biological,
 geochemical and industrial data, I estimated the amount of
 photosynthetically fixed and stored [by ancient plants] carbon that was
 required to form the coal, oil and gas that we are burning today."

 Dukes conducted the study while working as a postdoctoral fellow in biology
 at the University of Utah.  He now works for the Carnegie Institution of
 Washington's Department of Global Ecology on the campus of Stanford
 University in California.


 To determine how much ancient plant matter it took to eventually produce
 modern fossil fuels, Dukes calculated how much of the carbon in the original
 vegetation was lost during each stage of the multiple-step processes that
 create oil, gas and coal.

 He looked at the proportion of fossil fuel reserves derived from different
 ancient environments: coal that formed when ancient plants rotted in peat
 swamps; oil from tiny floating plants called phytoplankton that were
 deposited on ancient seafloors, river deltas and lakebeds; and natural gas
 from those and other prehistoric environments.  Then he examined the
 efficiency at which prehistoric plants were converted by heat, pressure and
 time into peat or other carbon-rich sediments.

 Next, Dukes analyzed the efficiency with which carbon-rich sediments were
 converted to coal, oil and natural gas.  Then he studied the efficiency of
 extracting such deposits.  During each of the above steps, he based his
 calculations on previously published studies.

 The calculations showed that roughly one-eleventh of the carbon in the
 plants deposited in peat bogs ends up as coal, and that only one-10,750th of
 the carbon in plants deposited on ancient seafloors, deltas and lakebeds
 ends up as oil and natural gas.

 Dukes then used these "recovery factors" to estimate how much ancient plant
 matter was needed to produce a given amount of fossil fuel.  Dukes considers
 his calculations good estimates based on available data, but says that
 because fossil fuels were formed under a wide range of environmental
 conditions, each estimate is subject to a wide range of uncertainty.


 Dukes calculated ancient plant matter needed for a gallon of gasoline in
 metric units:

 * One gallon of oil weighs 3.26 kilograms.  A gallon of oil produces
    up to 0.67 gallons of gasoline.  So 3.26 kilograms for a gallon of
    oil divided by 0.67 gallons means that at least 4.87 kilograms of
    oil are needed to make a gallon of gasoline.

 * Oil is 85 percent carbon, so 0.85 times 4.87 kilograms equals 4.14
    kilograms of carbon in the oil used to make a gallon of gasoline.

 * Since only about one-10,750th of the original carbon in ancient
    plant material actually ends up as oil, multiply 4.14 kilograms by
    10,750 to get roughly 44,500 kilograms of carbon in ancient plant
    matter to make a gallon of gas.

 * About half of plant matter is carbon, so double the 44,500 kilograms
    to get 89,000 kilograms – or 89 metric tons – of ancient plant matter
    to make a gallon of gas.  In U.S. units, that is equal to a bit more
    than 196,000 pounds or 98 tons.

 Dukes made similar calculations for oil, natural gas and coal to determine
 that it took 44 million billion kilograms (97 million billion pounds) of
 carbon in ancient plant matter to produce all the fossil fuel used in 1997. 
 That includes 29 million billion kilograms of prehistoric plants to produce
 a year's worth of oil (including gasoline), almost 15 million billion
 kilograms of buried plant matter to make all the natural gas used in 1997,
 and 27,000 billion kilograms of dead plants to produce all the coal used in
 the same year.

 "It took an incredible amount of plant matter to generate the fossil fuels
 we are using today," says Dukes.  "The new contribution of this research is
 to enable us to picture just how inefficient and unsustainable fossil fuels
 are - inefficient in terms of the conversion of the original solar energy to
 fossil fuels.  Fortunately, it is much more efficient to use modern energy
 sources like wind and solar.  As the reasons keep piling up to switch away
 from fossil fuels, it is important that we develop these modern power
 sources as quickly as possible."


 Unlike the inefficiency of converting ancient plants to oil, natural gas and
 coal, modern plant "biomass" can provide energy more efficiently, either by
 burning it or converting into fuels like ethanol.  So Dukes analyzed how much
 modern plant matter it would take to replace society's current consumption
 of fossil fuels.

 He began with a United Nations estimate that the total energy content of all
 coal, oil and natural gas used worldwide in 1997 equaled 315,271 million
 billion joules (a unit of energy).  He divided that by the typical value of
 heat produced when wood is burned:  20,000 joules per gram of dry wood.  The
 result is that fossil fuel consumption in 1997 equaled the energy in 15.8
 trillion kilograms of wood.  Dukes multiplied that by 45 percent – the
 proportion of carbon in plant material – to calculate that fossil fuel
 consumption in 1997 equaled the energy in 7.1 trillion kilograms of carbon
 in plant matter.

 Studies have estimated that all land plants today contain 56.4 trillion
 kilograms of carbon, but only 56 percent of that is above ground and could
 be harvested.  So excluding roots, land plants thus contain 56 percent times
 56.4, or 31.6 trillion kilograms of carbon.

 Dukes then divided the 1997 fossil fuel use equivalent of 7.1 trillion
 kilograms of carbon in plant matter by 31.6 trillion kilograms now available
 in plants.  He found we would need to harvest 22 percent of all land plants
 just to equal the fossil fuel energy used in 1997 – about a 50 percent
 increase over the amount of plants now removed or paved over each year.

 "Relying totally on biomass for our power – using crop residues and
 quick-growing forests as fuel sources – would force us to dedicate a huge
 part of the landscape to growing these fuels," Dukes says.  "It would have
 major environmental consequences.  We would have to choose between our rain
 forests and our vehicles and appliances.  Biomass burning can be part of the
 solution if we use agricultural wastes, but other technologies have to be a
 major part of the solution as well – things like wind and solar power."


> considering all the energy consumed, not
> only in drilling and pumping crude, cleaning, separating, transporting,
> etc., but how much energy did the dinosaur consume, in the way of food,
> how much energy did earth processes contribute, in the way of pressures
> and time frames, etc.  And how much energy would be consumed to convert
> a modern-day dinosaur (sort of in short supply) into that same gallon of
> gas?  Consider the food he'd be eating, the fossil fuel based pesticides
> I'd have to use on the food source for Dino, etc...  "
> Yeah, sort of silly, but probably worth a government grant to study.
> doug swanson

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