Thank you! That was the first message in this thread I found worth saving for future reference. Too much out there, (government, business and religion) has propagated the illusion of separation, competition and isolation... We could easily forget that we do all come from the same Source, sad to say though, that when mankind tries to give that Source a name, religion develops, and separation of our unity follows.

doug swanson

Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:

Hallo Whomever,

Sunday, 31 July, 2005, 18:03:48, you wrote:

Wwrc> In poor taste. Maybe even mean spirited. God must Love you better than Wwrc> us RED NECKS. Oh, that's right, you don't believe "In GOD We Trust".

"In  poor  taste.  Maybe even mean spirited."?  I assume that you have
NEVER  listened to Rush Limbaugh or his ilk then?  Jerry Falwell?  Pat

"In  GOD  We  Trust"?  The  qualifier "Somewhat" does not appear there
between  "We"  and  "Trust". Those trusting in God are those rejecting
the  ways  of the world and following the ways of the Lord. That would
be  those  in  peace churches and not involving themselves in national
politics  and  perhaps  not even state politics. I assume you mean "In
the  bible  we  trust" instead, with the caveat of your own particular
interpretations  of  that  and  including the old testament which has,
according  to  virtually  all  biblical scholars of the Christian bent
been fulfilled and the jots and tittles have been changed.

It  is  very  interesting  watching the contortions of the theologians
trying  to make the black words in the bible match up to the red words
when  they flatly contradict them in so many cases. If they trusted in
God  they would have the ability to get to their knowledge without the
aid  of  such  an inadequate medium as the written word.  It is not so
interesting  watching  them  pulling  verses  or partial verses out of
context and trying to warp them to their own particular beliefs.  They
would  rather  define  truth  to match their own limited understanding
rather than take the trouble to bring their understanding in line with
truth.  Makes one ill.

I  generally  attempt  to be more kind in my observations but I really
get   weary  watching  people serving two masters while claiming to be
serving  only  one.   That  which  is  good, right and true speaks for
itself  and  the  rest  requires  justification.   There  are a lot of
"Christians"  who are going to be justifying their heads off and a lot
who  don't  call themselves Christian who won't need to do so.  Law vs
Spirit.  There are a lot of folks out there who may have read but have
either forgotten or do not understand MT 25:12, LK 13:25, LK 13:27 and
JN  5:42.   Perhaps  they  just think claiming to believe something is
tautologous  with  demonstrating  the  fruits  of the belief.  Fruits?
GAL  5:22.   You  won't find a lot of those fruits in politics whether
left, right or center.

Before I forget:  MT 7:3-5

There is a great difference between reading the words and knowing what
they  mean,  understanding them. Living them is even more difficult. I
have   failed  somewhat  in  this  unkind mail but am prepared to live
and/or  die with the consequences of my actions and without excuses or
justification.   I  hope  all  those  upholding life with one hand and
activily  participating in or concurring with the dealing out of death
with the other are just as ready.  Blue or red or whatever shade.

Happy Happy,


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