Hi everyone,

Earlier this week, I received some obnoxious chain mail. I became so incensed by it, that I felt a need to respond - especially since it had a cc list and a way to counter the hate that was being spread. One of the people on the list, a woman who I never met, took exception to my response and sent her own reply.

In my opinion, this email could not do a better job to reveal a popular misunderstanding of the culture from which Islam comes. It also demonstrates the feelings of someone who considers herself benevolent but, is so scared that she absolutely insists that someone should be punished. I found it to be a frightening example of a person in transition from caring to hating. Although I'm not a sociologist or a mental health professional, it was apparent to me that the email I received, was from a women filled with contradictions and uncertainty. Someone at the beginning of becoming a racist.

I wouldn't send such a long email if I didn't think it was revealing. If you want to follow the whole exchange, start at the bottom. I suspect that you will also find the chain letter to be divisive and one that plays on fear.




The fact that numerous religions have perpetrated acts of violence and
hatred towards others throughout the ages DOES NOT negate the fact that
horrible things are being done in the world today in the name of Islam. 
  It is the only religion in the world today (as far as I in my
ignorance know) that is FORCING people to convert to it with
devastating consequences/death if they don't.   Women ARE being forced
to live in subservience and suffer inhumane treatment at the hands of a
religion that hands all authority to men (I understand that this is not
true in every Muslim country, and I understand that there are other
cultures that promote the same treatment... but it DOES NOT negate the
fact that Islam is doing this also).   Christian and Animist women and
girls in Africa, in the Sudan, are being kidnapped and being forced to
become slaves and sexual slaves to Muslim men, even being forced to
undergo female circumcision, in the name of Islam, because they are
infidels.  People in Africa and Indonesia, Asia, and other places are
being killed, or threatened with death for not converting to Islam. 
Young boys are being forced to fight brutal wars in the name of Islam. 
Young men, and now young women, are being brainwashed into becoming
suicide bombers and blowing up innocent people in restaurants, buses,
trains, etc. by instilling in them a hatred of anything that is western
and not Islamic.   Authors ARE being killed, or threatened with death
for expressing an opposing viewpoint.  This IS all happening today in
the name of Islam.
  I understand that our country has killed thousands of innocent people
in wars that promote our own agenda, but that also DOES NOT negate the
fact that people are doing these things in the name of Islam.  I wonder
if we are getting a balanced report of what is going on in Iraq and
Afghanistan.  To be sure, the media is not making up the number of
deaths and the number of bombings, but I cannot believe that a vast
majority of the people in those countries are excited at the prospect
of freedom and opportunity and the hope of living free of persecution. 
It is not the moderate Muslims that are ruining our country's effort to
restore peace, to rebuild the infrastructure, to rebuild schools,
improve the water and electrical systems to better than what it was,
No one is ever justified in forcing one person to accept a belief by
force.  No one is ever justified in torturing people or killing them in
the name of a religion.  It is shameful to me that people like Timothy
McVeigh call themselves "Christians" and believe they are acting in the
name of God.  David Koresh, the Guyana tragedies, etc etc etc -- all
twisted cults doing things in the name of Christ or Christianity. 
Those men are wrong, just as these Muslim extremists are wrong.  They
take writings that DO exist in the Koran, and take them to the extreme,
believing they are doing the right thing and will receive glory from
Allah in the hereafter.  If they are right, that's one scary religion. 
If they are wrong, then they deserve to be condemned for their actions.
So basically I take it from your email below that we are not supposed
to notice the trends in the world today just because "Islam does not
stand alone."  Do we excuse radical Islamic extremists because, well,
extremists will be extremists, just like boys will be boys, or because
other religions have had extremists too?
This is about the third or fourth time you have responded to a mass
email and I have read you defending people who would love to see MY
faith destroyed and my country brought down, and would love to wipe an
entire people group which I support wiped off the face of the earth
(the Jews)(and I am not talking about a small country which you would
undoubtedly say that the Jews took over by force from the poor
Palestinians and the Muslims have every right to use terrorism to
eradicate the Jews and take back the land-- I am talking about these
extremists wanting to totally innihilate the Jews, period).  Do you
EVER read the other side of the story?
Listen, I could go on and on, but to tell you the truth, I don't do
well in political arguments, and I am relatively ignorant, and I would
probably be swamped in a few minutes, but I do maintain that ALL THE
THINGS mentioned in the email to which you responded DID happen and
they WERE done in the name of Islam, and just because other people have
done criminal acts in the name of their cause, it does not mean that we
should not notice of what is happening in the world today and what is
the agenda of the radical Islamic extremists.  And lest you think that
I believe all Muslims should be lumped into a group with these
proponents of hate and irrationality, think again.  I do not think that
the extremists are representative of all Muslims any more than I think
that David Koresh, for example, is a true representation of
Christianity.  Just because someone wants to point out the atrocities
that are going on in the modern world, does not make them xenophobic
morons.   Like xenophobes, you obviously have trouble with people who
don't think the way you do.  If you think that your way of thinking is
best, does that make you egocentric and intolerant of other's views?
Here is a website for you to check out that will probably make you
angry but will at least give you an idea of why some people are so
scared:  www.levitt.com
Find the link for the newsletter and read some of them.  Try to do it
without lumping this man and these writers into your pre-conceived
xenophobic category, but try hard to read with an open mind.  They can
substantiate everything they say.
Now, Mike, I would appreciate again if you would remove me from list
when you hit the "reply to all" icon on your computer.  Right about
now, you may be thinking that I am one of those people who really needs
to hear your point of view, but if I choose to believe that radical
Islam is a very real threat in today's world, that is my right, just as
it is your right to defend those who would ultimately like to destroy
you and your way of life.  Just quit sending your opinions to my email
address and invading my privacy.  I prefer to get mail from people I
know, even if they are xenophobic and won't widen my views (read that
last sentence with a sarcastic LOL).  I promise that I will not do this
to you again.
And Jerry, if you want to forward this stuff to me, please do it blind.


On Aug 2, 2005, at 12:03 PM, Michael Redler wrote:

> Joe, you xenophobic moron.
> Nearly every criminal act of political extremism has
> been carried out by a male extremist. If your looking
> for a pattern, you will have more success
> concentrating on gender rather than their chosen
> religion. However, since you insist on carefully
> selecting questions that all have the same answer,
> blow the dust off your history book and look for the
> names and places involving acts of violence in the
> name of religion. You will find that Islam does not
> stand alone.
> Now hurry up before you miss your Klan meeting.
> Mike
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Please pause a moment,  reflect back, and take the
>> following multiple choice
>> test. The events  are actual cuts from past history.
>> They actually happened!!!
>> Do you remember?
>> -1968 Bobby Kennedy was  shot
>> and killed by
>> a. Superman
>> b. Jay Lenno
>> c. Harry Potter
>> d. Muslim male  extremist between the ages of 17 and
>> 40
>> 1.  In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were
>> kidnapped and massacred by
>> a. Olga Corbett
>> b. Sitting Bull
>> c. Arno! ld Schwarzenegger
>> d. Muslim male  extremists mostly between the ages
>> of 17 and 40
>> 2.  In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken  over
>> by:
>> a. Lost Norwegians
>> b. Elvis
>> c. A tour bus full  of 80-year-old women
>> d. Muslim male  extremists mostly between the ages
>> of 17 and 40
>> 3.During the !  1980's a number of Americans were
>> kidnapped in Lebanon by:
>> a. John Dillinger
>> b.  The King of Sweden
>> c. The Boy Scouts
>> d. Muslim male  extremists mostly between the ages
>> of 17 and 40
>> 4. In 1983, the  US Marine barracks in Beirut was
>> blown up by:
>> a. A pizza delivery boy
>> b.  Pee Wee Herman
>> c. Geraldo Rivera
>> d. Muslim male  extremists mostly between the ages
>> of 17 and 40
>> 5. In  1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was
>> hijacked and a 70 year old
>> American passenger was murdered and thrown
>> overboard in his wheelchair by:
>> a. The  Smurfs
>> b. Davy Jones
>> c. The Little Mermaid
>> d. Muslim male  extremists mostly between the ages
>> of 17 and 40
>> 6.In  1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens,
>> and a US  Navy diver trying
>> to rescue passengers was murdered by:
>> a. Captain Kidd
>> b. Charles Lindberg
>> c. Mother Teresa
>> d. Muslim male  extremists mostly between the ages
>> of 17 and 40
>> 7.In  1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by:
>> a. Scooby Doo
>> b.  The Tooth Fairy
>> c. Butch Cassidy and The  Sundance Kid
>> d. Muslim male  extremists mostly between the ages
>> of 17 and 40
>> 8. In 1993 the  World Trade Center was bombed the
>> first time  by:
>> a. Richard Simmons  ;  b. Grandma Moses
>> c.  Michael Jordan
>> d. Muslim male  extremists mostly between the ages
>> of 17 and 40
>> 9.In  1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
>> were  bombed by:
>> a. Mr. Rogers
>> b. Hillary Clinton, to distract attention from Wild
>> Bill' s  women problems
>> c. The World Wrestling  Federation
>> d. Muslim male  extremists mostly between the ages
>> of 17 and 40
>> 10.On  9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two
>> were used as missiles  to
>> take out the World Trade Centers and of the
>> remaining two, one  crashed
>> into the US  Pentagon and the other was diverted and
>> crashed by the
>> passengers.Thousands of people were killed by:
>> a. Bugs Bunny, Wiley E. Coyote, Daffy Duck  and
>> Elmer Fudd
>> b. The Supreme Court of  Florida
>> c. Mr. Bean
>> d. Muslim male  extremists mostly between the ages
>> of 17 and 40
>> 11.In  2002 the United States fought a war in
>> Afghanistan  against:
>> a. Enron
>> b. The Lutheran Church
>> c. The NFL
>> d. Muslim male  extremists mostly between the ages
>> of 17 and 40
>> 12. In  2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and
>> murdered by:
>> a. Bonnie and Clyde
>> b. Captain Kangaroo
>> c. Billy Graham
>> ! ;  & nbsp; d. Muslim male extremists mostly
>> between the ages  of 17 and 40
>> 13. 2004 -  Spain Railwayy bombings.
>> Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17
>>  and 40
>> AND NOW  !
>> 14. 2005 London Railway  bombings
>> Muslim male  extremists mostly between the ages of
>> 17 and 40
>> Nope, .I really don't see a  pattern here to justify
>> profiling, do you?
>> So, to ensure we Americans never offend  anyone,
>> particularly fanatics intent
>> on killing us, airport security  screeners will no
>> longer be allowed to
>> profile
>> certain people. They must conduct random  searches
>> of 80-year-old women,
>> little kids, airline pilots with proper
>> identification, secret agentsof the
>> President's
>> security detail, 85-year old Congressmen  with metal
>> hips, and Medal of Honor
>> winning and former Governor Joe  Foss, but leave
>> Muslim Males  between the ages 17 and 40 alone
>> because of profiling.
>> Let's send this to as many people as we  can so that
>> the Gloria Aldreds and!
>> other attorneys along with Federal  Justices that
>> want to thwart
>> common sense,  feel doubly ashamed of themselves -
>> if they have any such
>> sense.
>> As the writer of the award winning story  "Forrest
>> Gump" so aptly put it,
>> "Stupid is as stupid does."
>> Come on people wake up!!!
>> Keep this going. Pass it on to everyone in  your
>> address book.
>> Our Country and our  troops need our support and
>> prayers.

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