
If you'd read the stir washing section most thoroughly, you would have come away with the notion that pump washing can contribute more to emulsions than stir washing. As well, the section is predominantly dedicated to stir washing and only briefly mentions, pump washing, and even then in more of a foreboding type manner, especially if the wash pump is the same unit as the mixing pump.

"Some people express concern with pump- or prop-washed fuel not clearing as quickly as mist- or bubble-washed. There's sound reason for this. Pumps and propellers have the ability of better mixing the fuel and water ('atomizing' it), bringing both in more frequent contact with each other."

Going on to say:

"Pump washing has the potential to more quickly and thoroughly 'atomize' the two fluids and generate an emulsion in washes of biodiesel that are borderline to or perhaps far less than a reaction completion than does mechanical agitation."

You might also note the example at the JTF site that indicates the use of a small pump to feed a sprinkler wash, not one so large that it homogenizes the fuel and water.

As for the "water soluble" substance you're referring to? Again, chances are more than good that what you're either emulsifying some of the contents from extreme mixing or that you're trying to wash an incomplete reaction (with extreme mixing). I couldn't precisely tell you how long it takes to work all the mono- and di-glycerides out of the mix. I do know that in our first few attempts years ago we made some rather standard blunders, primarily a result of haste and impatience in order to meet an end user's time window. One of them is still sitting in a barrel after all these years, 15 gallons of emulsified remnant from a 55 gallon wash. All the "fuel" that split from the emulsion had to be retreated, as it kept emulsifying to some degree upon subsequent washes.

What you might care to do is retreat a sample of the product after drying it from one of the washes, then compare a wash of the retreated sample to a wash of the product the sample came from.

And if you're set on pump washing for the time being, you might care to install a secondary pump that is less voluminous/vigorous pump than what you're presently using for reaction mixing. At the same time, you might care to draw of a liter of fuel prior to your first pump wash and conduct a "shake and bake" wash, or a swirl wash in a gallon jug or in a pot, substituting a spoon for the canoe paddle as a stirrer.

Compare the results and see if some of them satisfy some of your questions.

Todd Swearingen

Thomas Kelly wrote:

    Thank you for responding to my question re: pump washing.
    Your answer has raised more questions.
I wanted to know if a milky wash after 7 washings indicated an incomplete reaction. You replied: "Possibly. It could also indicate that your churning pump impeller is manufacturing butter."

This "butter" .... water soluble substance(s) produced by the churning pump ..... not actually an original contaminant in the biodiesel I'm washing???
    I will stir wash the biodiesel ......  should get desired result, no?

You went on to say:
"Washes don't need the vigorous mixing that pumps generate. Compound a churning pump with long wash periods and an incomplete or even vaguely
incomplete reaction and you have a problem looking for disaster."

I got the idea for pump washing at the journey to forever website, and it was attributed to you.
From: Stir washing

Is it simply overkill to use pump washing on a 15L batch? Might it work better on 150L batch? Use a diff. pump?
  Pump washing appeals to me:
    1. saves time
    2. minimizes oxidation
    3. closed system   ...  not messy
    4. exposes faulty reaction
    5. I have an extra pump and an extra water heater

                        Your time and thoughts are appreciated


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