Hi Doug.

Frankly, I was very disappointed with your reply.

In our culture, yes, we have a right to an opinion, but others also have the right to tell so how and why our reasoning is flawed. And in the words of advisorjim (http://advisorjim.dailykos.com/) "We're all entitled to our own opinions, but we are not entitled to our own facts!"

You implied that the "need" for SUVs driven by big families with big kids. And I rebutted it with two sources and one anecdote that suggest this just isn't true.

Your wishy washy "statistics are too malleable" statement is an intellectual cop out. If you're a going to make readily falsifiable statements on this list, you can't just wave the "let's agree to disagree" flag when those statements are challenged. That's just weak.


Doug Younker wrote:
What can I say, John?  Both statistics and observations are both too
malleable.  This could become perceived myth versus perceived myth, judging
others by what they drive and where we can't fully know what drove their
decision, I really don't want to go there.  Thank you for taking the time to
share your thoughts.
----- Original Message ----- From: "John Hayes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Check out Diesel Won't Solve Our Gasoline Woes


For the vast majority, SUVs are about status, not capability. Those 3 or
4 or 5 kids will also fit in a minivan that already gets mileage in the
20s. How do I know? My wife is one of 5 and she's the runt of the
family; both her sisters are over 5"10 and her two brothers are over 6"3.

Also, what proportion of American families are actually that large?
According to US census data, in 48 of 50 states, families average less
than two children.


You can't tell me with a straight face that large families have driven
the SUV boom in the 90s.

Finally, don't believe the myth that American consumers were "forced" to
buy SUVs by the disappearance of the station wagon. It's just not true.

"Midsized SUVs rose from 4% of all light duty vehicle sales in MY1998 to
12.3% in 2000. Midsized station wagons droped from 1.9 to 1.4 percent in
the same period. Large SUVs rose from 0.5% to 5.5% while large station
wagons dropped from 0.5% to 0. SUVs are far more popular today than
station wagons were before CAFE."

from pg 19 http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/rules/cafe/docs/162944_web.pdf


Doug Younker wrote:

Well.. I would have to think a 22 MPG SUV is a step above the 13-16 MPG


of 25 to 30 years ago.  As long as families continue to have 3, 4 or


kids, with some of them being 6 foot giants the demand, for larger


isn't going to subside soon.  Shoot it's going to be difficult enough to
reduce the miles those vehicles are being driven.
Doug, N0LKK

From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Check out Diesel Won't Solve Our Gasoline Woes

I read that.  Diesel will only help if combined w/ high mileage cars,
hybrid and bio.  To go to diesel so Americans can get 22 mpg in their
SUVs is pretty silly.

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John E Hayes, M.S.
Instructor, Dietetics Program, DIET 203 / DIET 215
Doctoral Student, Nutritional Sciences
University of Connecticut - 326 Koons Hall
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / 860.486.0007

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