Tom Irwin wrote:
 They can keep the
pictures of the flag drapped caskets from view but it´s really the wounded they´re going to have the most problems with. You can pretty much calculate that half of those 11,500 have been horribly maimed or burned. Bombs and booby traps do that kind of thing. Someone is going to get their story out with words and pictures, win a Pulitzer and put an end to this incredibly, greedy stupidity.

Well, it didn't win a Pulitzer...yet. But in Dec 2004, NEJM already ran a photo essay and noted surgeron/writer Atul Gawande wrote an *excellent* essay to go with it. And the editors of the NEJM decided to make the content available free to everyone.

Essay by Gawande

Photos (WARNING - some of these pictures are very graphic


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