Doug Foskey wrote:

My only real fear is that the US will use all its nuclear weapons to take what it needs to stay afloat...

And that is exactly what they WANT all the sheeple of the world to think. No doubt I will get blasted (pardon the pun) for this but I don't believe they will ever do that. The situation is analogous to a bunch of tough guys together with a bunch of wimps all locked in a jail cell. The wimps cower in the corner and are of no consequence for the most part because they don't believe they can all stand together and do something constructive. The bullies made them believe this....but I digress. All the bullies have knives of thier own fashion and they all play for a peice of the action except one of the thugs has a girlfriend on the outside who smuggled in a hand grenade and there he sits holding the handle with the safety pin removed. Of course he always gets what is important and lets the others duke it out and waste thier time and energy on matters of less significance. None of them can escape and if it ever goes off all of them will suffer but that doesn't matter because it works and it doesn't ever need to go off. Every once in a while he lets everyone get a glimpse of it and then they all remember why it is important not to piss him off. The situation wouldn't be so bad if the thug was as benevolent as he claims to be but in reality he is just selfish and doesn't give a damn about the wimps or anyone else. So long as he holds that little package of wonder he can even kick in the teeth of a few poor slobs who get too close or too loud without fear of reprisal. Even the guys with knives can't enjoy that luxury. If this sounds anything like world events or G. Dubya's recent tough guy rhetoric regarding the possibility of nuking Iran the similarity is purely coincidental. But let each of the bullies get lucky and find a sympathetic girlfriend on the outside too, and we would find a completely different dynamic.The wimps would continue to be wimps as is thier wont but each of them would find something to identify with in one or the other of the bullies and things would continue much as always except living conditions would be a lot more balanced among the groups. (Am I saying that might is right?? Geez I'm starting to sound American, what the hell?) But put one of those babies into the hands of any of those other bullies and I guaratee you he will imediately think twice about tossing it. The thug however actually loses sleep over this thought. He really doesn't have to worry much about things getting too out of hand inside the cell but he plays a desperate game with his limited influence outside the cell to keep the other bullies from getting lucky. There is one other factor though that is a real wildcard. Amongst the wimps are a few nerds. The nerds are easily smeared with an odious brush,-they're nerds afterall- and even the wimps love to join in this game, as they have been trained to do, but the problem is the nerds are not actually as dumb as they look. Nerds have the capacity to do surprising things which makes them truly dangerous. Ahh the element of it not the spice of life? Global nuclear war? I doubt it. Nerd power? All I can say is....expect it when you least expect it.

Just an opinion of course.

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